Only in ASP.NET Core; JavaScript library: DK_ApsNet.js.
This is not a real namespace: namespace is use only for documentation purposes.
DK for .NET TatukGIS.NDK.ASPNET.JavaScript | Enums | Classes | Callbacks
Name | Description | |
TGIS_EditorMode | Editor vertex adding mode. | |
TGIS_LabelAlignment | Alignment of a label. | |
TGIS_LabelHPosition | Horizontal position of a label. | |
TGIS_LabelVPosition | Vertical position of a label. | |
TGIS_ShapeType | Types of GIS shapes. | |
TGIS_ViewerMode | Mode of the viewer. | |
Name | Description | |
TGIS_CSEarth | Earth - geographical system. | |
TGIS_CSEllipsoid | Ellipsoid - Great Circle system. | |
TGIS_CSSphericalMercator | SphericalMercator - projection system. | |
TGIS_CSSystem | Coordinates system helper. | |
TGIS_Editor | Common API for shape based visual editor. | |
TGIS_Extent | Like Rect, but based on doubles. | |
TGIS_GeometryFactory | Factory for converting different formats into a shape and reverse. | |
TGIS_LabelsAlocator | Labels allocator. | |
TGIS_LayerVector | General layer class for vector layers. | |
TGIS_ParamsAbstract | Common parameters ancestor. | |
TGIS_ParamsRender | Parameters that are common html5 canvas parameters for Render. | |
TGIS_ParamsSectionVector | Parameters for a layer or shape Params objects. | |
TGIS_ParamsVector | Common html5 canvas parameters for vector layer parameters. | |
TGIS_ParamsVectorArea | Parameters that are common html5 canvas parameters for Areas. | |
TGIS_ParamsVectorLabel | Parameters that are common html5 canvas parameters for Labels. | |
TGIS_ParamsVectorLine | Parameters that are common html5 canvas parameters for Lines. | |
TGIS_ParamsVectorMarker | Parameters that are common html5 canvas parameters for Markers. | |
TGIS_Point | Like Point, but based on doubles. | |
TGIS_Renderer | Renderer responsible for drawing on html5 canvas. | |
TGIS_Shape | Generic shape class. | |
TGIS_ShapeArc | Encapsulation of line shapes. | |
TGIS_ShapeMultiPoint | Encapsulation of multi point shapes. | |
TGIS_ShapePoint | Encapsulation of single point shapes. | |
TGIS_ShapePolygon | Encapsulation of polygon shapes. | |
TGIS_SqlQuery | Calculates a logical value of WHERE-like statements for non SQL-based tables. | |
TGIS_Utils | Helper for GIS functions. | |
TGIS_ViewerWeb | Class responsible for map presentation on bitmap. | |
TPoint | Like Point, but based on integers. | |
Name | Description | |
TGIS_PaintShapeEvent | OnPaintShape event type. | |