DK11 for Java | tatukgis.jdk.TGIS_LayerVector | Constructors | Fields | Methods | Properties | Events
Name | Visibility | Description | |
bIgnoreShapeParams | protected | Internal status of IgnoreShapeParams property. | |
cursorState | protected | Whole cursor status. | |
cursorStateStore | protected | Whole cursor status. | |
FActive | protected | Is layer active? (Inherited from TGIS_Layer) |
FAddition | protected | Addition value. (Inherited from TGIS_Layer) |
FAge | protected | Age of the layer. (Inherited from TGIS_Layer) |
FBasemap | protected | True if the layer is interpreted as basemap. (Inherited from TGIS_Layer) |
FBasemapDraw | protected | If True, the layer at the moment is drawn inside a basemap thread. (Inherited from TGIS_Layer) |
FBlockRTree | protected | True if rtree can not be enabled. | |
FCachedPaint | protected | False if layer must be painted directly (bypassing cache). (Inherited from TGIS_Layer) |
FCaption | protected | Layer caption. (Inherited from TGIS_Layer) |
FCodePage | protected | Code Page in which text has been stored. (Inherited from TGIS_Layer) |
FCodePageForced | protected | Code Page forced by project file or property setting. (Inherited from TGIS_Layer) |
FCollapsed | protected | Is layer collapsed? (Inherited from TGIS_Layer) |
FComments | protected | Additional comments. (Inherited from TGIS_Layer) |
FConfigFile | protected | Configuration file handle. (Inherited from TGIS_Layer) |
FConfigFile2 | protected | Configuration file handle. (Inherited from TGIS_Layer) |
FConfigName | protected | Configuration file name. (Inherited from TGIS_Layer) |
FCS | protected | Projection object. (Inherited from TGIS_Layer) |
FCustomData | protected | List of custom data. (Inherited from TGIS_Layer) |
FDormantMode | protected | Dormant mode for the layer. (Inherited from TGIS_Layer) |
FDriver | protected | Layer driver. (Inherited from TGIS_Layer) |
FExtent | protected | Layer extent. (Inherited from TGIS_Layer) |
FExtent3D | protected | Layer extent 3D. (Inherited from TGIS_Layer) |
FFileCopyright | protected | Additional textual information about layer copyright. (Inherited from TGIS_Layer) |
FFileInfo | protected | Additional textual information about the layer such as compression, number of pixels, copyright etc. (Inherited from TGIS_Layer) |
FHideFromLegend | protected | True if layer should not be visible in a legend. (Inherited from TGIS_Layer) |
findSmartSizeFactor | protected | SmartSize scaling factor (to scale between projected/unprojected size. | |
FInMemoryRTree | protected | True if rtree file will be created in-memory. | |
FInPaint | protected | True if the layer upon paint process. (Inherited from TGIS_Layer) |
FIsLocked | protected | True if layer is in locked state Lock. (Inherited from TGIS_Layer) |
FIsModified | protected | True if structure (field, geometry etc) was modified. (Inherited from TGIS_Layer) |
FIsOpened | protected | True if layer was opened. (Inherited from TGIS_Layer) |
FIsPrepared | protected | True if layer was opened. (Inherited from TGIS_Layer) |
FIsReadOnly | protected | Read only flag. (Inherited from TGIS_Layer) |
FMaxTileSize | protected | Maximum allowed tile size for the layer. (Inherited from TGIS_Layer) |
FMultiUserMode | protected | Multiuser mode. (Inherited from TGIS_Layer) |
FName | protected | Layer name. (Inherited from TGIS_Layer) |
FOnBusy | protected | Busy event. (Inherited from TGIS_Layer) |
FOnCursorAfterFetch | protected | OnCursorAfterFetch event. | |
FOnCursorBeforeFetch | protected | OnCursorBeforeFetch event. | |
FOnCursorClose | protected | OnCursorClose event. | |
FOnCursorInterrupt | protected | OnCursorInterrupt event. | |
FOnCursorOpen | protected | CursorOpen event. | |
FOnCursorShapeFetch | protected | OnCursorShapeFetch event. | |
FOnLabelPos | protected | ShapeLabelPos events. | |
FOnPaintLayer | protected | PaintLayer event. (Inherited from TGIS_Layer) |
FOnPaintShape | protected | PaintShape event. | |
FOnPaintShapeChart | protected | PaintShapeChart event. | |
FOnPaintShapeLabel | protected | PaintShapeLabel event. | |
FOnPassword | protected | Will be fired upon opening layer to resolve any username/password (Inherited from TGIS_Layer) |
FOnRead | protected | Will be fired upon each file Read request. (Inherited from TGIS_Layer) |
FOnShapeFieldChange | protected | OnShapeFieldChange event. | |
FOnShapeGeometryChange | protected | OnShapeGeometryChange event. | |
FOnWrite | protected | Will be fired upon each file Write request. (Inherited from TGIS_Layer) |
forceCachedMode | protected | Set tor True to force cached (bitmap) type of drawing. (Inherited from TGIS_Layer) |
FParamsList | protected | List of parameters set (sections). (Inherited from TGIS_Layer) |
FParentLayer | protected | Parent layer. (Inherited from TGIS_Layer) |
FPath | protected | Layer path. (Inherited from TGIS_Layer) |
FPixelsPerInch | protected | Pixel density. | |
FProjectedExtent | protected | Precalculated projected extent. (Inherited from TGIS_Layer) |
FProjectedExtentBase | protected | Precalculated projected extent - Base extent (unprojected). (Inherited from TGIS_Layer) |
FProjectedExtentEPSG | protected | Precalculated projected extent - Layer CS Context. (Inherited from TGIS_Layer) |
FProjectedExtentRotationAngle | protected | Precalculated projected extent - Rotation context. (Inherited from TGIS_Layer) |
FProjectedExtentRotationPoint | protected | Precalculated projected extent - Rotation context. (Inherited from TGIS_Layer) |
FProjectedExtentViewerEPSG | protected | Precalculated projected extent - Viewer CS Context. (Inherited from TGIS_Layer) |
FRenderer | protected | Handle to a renderer used for drawing shapes. (Inherited from TGIS_Layer) |
FRTreeFile | protected | Rtree based index. | |
FSelectedList | protected | List of uids of selected shapes. | |
FStatistics | protected | Statistics engine. (Inherited from TGIS_Layer) |
FStream | protected | Reference to a potential layer underlying stream. (Inherited from TGIS_Layer) |
FSubLayers | protected | Sub layers list. (Inherited from TGIS_Layer) |
FSubType | protected | Type of sublayer. (Inherited from TGIS_Layer) |
FSupportedDimensions | protected | Set of dimensions supported by a layer. | |
FSupportedShapes | protected | Set of shapes supported by a layer. | |
FSupportsAutoStyle | protected | Indicates whether the layer supports auto styling. (Inherited from TGIS_Layer) |
FSupportsTiledPaint | protected | Indicates whether the layer supports tiled paint. (Inherited from TGIS_Layer) |
FTag | protected | Tag value. (Inherited from TGIS_Layer) |
FTagInternal | protected | Internal Tag value. (Inherited from TGIS_Layer) |
FTagPointer | protected | Pointer Tag value (Inherited from TGIS_Layer) |
FTiledDrawMode | protected | If not None then the layer at the moment is drawn inside a basemap thread. (Inherited from TGIS_Layer) |
FTransform | protected | Custom transformation. (Inherited from TGIS_Layer) |
FTransparency | protected | Transparency value. (Inherited from TGIS_Layer) |
FUnSupportedOperations | protected | Set of operations not supported by a layer. (Inherited from TGIS_Layer) |
FUseConfig | protected | Is config file active? (Inherited from TGIS_Layer) |
FUserObject | protected | User object. (Inherited from TGIS_Layer) |
FUseRTree | protected | True if rtree is in use. | |
FViewer | protected | Reference to viewer object. (Inherited from TGIS_Layer) |
inDraw | protected | True if layer paint procedure not yet complete. (Inherited from TGIS_Layer) |
oldMarkerPoint | protected | Old marker point screen coordinates (to filter drawing points). | |
paramsCache | protected | List of prepared parameters. (Inherited from TGIS_Layer) |
paramsCacheUpdated | protected | If True, parameters are ready to render (Inherited from TGIS_Layer) |
View3D | public | 3D Representation properties. (Inherited from TGIS_Layer) |