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TGIS_Utils methods


Inherited Overrides Protected
Name Visibility Description
ConstructParamAlignment public Convert an internal representation of a value into the literal representation.
ConstructParamBoolean public Convert an internal representation of a value into the literal representation.
ConstructParamChart public Convert an internal representation of a value into the literal representation.
ConstructParamColor public Convert an internal representation of a value into the literal representation.
ConstructParamDormant public Convert an internal representation of a value into the literal representation.
ConstructParamFloat public Convert an internal representation of a value into the literal representation.
ConstructParamFontStyle public Convert an internal representation of a value into the literal representation.
ConstructParamInteger public Convert an internal representation of a value into the literal representation.
ConstructParamMarker public Convert an internal representation of a value into the literal representation.
ConstructParamPattern public Convert an internal representation of a value into the literal representation.
ConstructParamPen public Convert an internal representation of a value into the literal representation.
ConstructParamPosition public Convert an internal representation of a value into the literal representation.
ConstructParamString public Convert an internal representation of a value into the literal representation.
DotFloatToStr public Convert an extended to String.
DotStrToFloat public Convert a String to extended.
ExecutingFolder public Get location of executable file.
GisAngleToStr(Double) public Convert a angle in radians to a string representation.
GisAngleToStr(Double; Boolean) public Convert a angle in radians to a string representation.
GisAngleToStr(Double; Boolean; Integer) public Convert a angle in radians to a string representation.
GisArcFrom3Points public Calculate arc based on any three points from the circle outline.
GisArcFrom3Points3D public Calculate arc based on any three 3D points from the circle outline.
GisBitmapFactoryUniversal public Initialize a bitmap factory.
GisBuildLineStringFromEdges public Build a line string from a list of non complex edges.
GisBuildPolygonFromEdges public Build a polygon from a list of non complex edges.
GisCanonicalSQLName(String) public Returns canonical SQL name.
GisCanonicalSQLName(String; String) public Returns canonical SQL name.
GisCenterPoint public Calculates center point of given extent.
GisCircleFrom3Points public Calculate circle based on any three points from the circle outline.
GisCircleFrom3Points3D public Calculate circle based on any three 3D points from the circle outline.
GisColorMap public Create a color map for ramps.
GisColorMapEx public Create extended color map for ramps.
GisCommonExtent public Common area of two extents.
GisCommonExtent3D public Common area of two 3D extents.
GisContainExtent public Is _extent2 wholly encompass by _extent1.
GisCreateLayer public Create a layer given by a name.
GisCreateReprojectedShape public Create a reprojected shape.
GisCreateShapeFromGDO public Create the shape from GeoMedia Database Object (GDO).
GisCreateShapeFromGML public Create the shape from GML.
GisCreateShapeFromJSON public Create the shape from JSON.
GisCreateShapeFromWKB public Create the shape from Well Known Binary (see:
GisCreateShapeFromWKT public Create the shape from a Well Known Text (see:
GisCUDAEngine public Returns a global OpenCL engine object.
GisDecodeAngle(Double; Integer; Integer; Integer; Integer; Integer) public Decode angle value into degrees, minutes, seconds.
GisDecodeAngle(Double; Integer; Integer; Integer; Integer; Integer; Integer) public Decode angle value into degrees, minutes, seconds.
GisDecodeLatitude(Double; Integer; Integer; Integer; Integer; Integer) public Decode latitude value into degrees, minutes, seconds.
GisDecodeLatitude(Double; Integer; Integer; Integer; Integer; Integer; Integer) public Decode latitude value into degrees, minutes, seconds.
GisDecodeLongitude(Double; Integer; Integer; Integer; Integer; Integer) public Decode longitude value into degrees, minutes, seconds.
GisDecodeLongitude(Double; Integer; Integer; Integer; Integer; Integer; Integer) public Decode longitude value into degrees, minutes, seconds.
GisDefaultField public Get default value for selected field type
GisDeNormalizedSQLName public Prepare de-normalized version of a field name.
GisDMax public Maximum of two doubles.
GisDMin public Minimum of two doubles.
GisEncodeAngle(Double) public Encode angle value from the values specified as the degrees, minutes, seconds.
GisEncodeAngle(Double; Double) public Encode angle value from the values specified as the degrees, minutes, seconds.
GisEncodeAngle(Double; Double; Double) public Encode angle value from the values specified as the degrees, minutes, seconds.
GisEncodeAngle(Double; Double; Double; Integer) public Encode angle value from the values specified as the degrees, minutes, seconds.
GisEncodeLatitude(Double) public Encode longitude value from the values specified as the degrees, minutes, seconds.
GisEncodeLatitude(Double; Double) public Encode longitude value from the values specified as the degrees, minutes, seconds.
GisEncodeLatitude(Double; Double; Double) public Encode longitude value from the values specified as the degrees, minutes, seconds.
GisEncodeLatitude(Double; Double; Double; Integer) public Encode longitude value from the values specified as the degrees, minutes, seconds.
GisEncodeLongitude(Double) public Encode longitude value from the values specified as the degrees, minutes, seconds.
GisEncodeLongitude(Double; Double) public Encode longitude value from the values specified as the degrees, minutes, seconds.
GisEncodeLongitude(Double; Double; Double) public Encode longitude value from the values specified as the degrees, minutes, seconds.
GisEncodeLongitude(Double; Double; Double; Integer) public Encode longitude value from the values specified as the degrees, minutes, seconds.
GisExportArcToGDO public Export the Shape geometry into a GeoMedia Database Object (GDO).
GisExportArcToGML public Export the Shape geometry into a GML (see
GisExportArcToJSON public Export the Shape geometry into a GeoJSON (see
GisExportArcToVAR public Export the Shape geometry into an internal SHP format.
GisExportArcToWKB public Export the Shape geometry into a Well Known Binary (see
GisExportArcToWKT public Export the Shape geometry into a Well Known Text (see
GisExportComplexToGDO public Export the Shape geometry into a GeoMedia Database Object (GDO).
GisExportComplexToGML public Export the Shape geometry into a GML (see
GisExportComplexToJSON public Export the Shape geometry into a GeoJSON (see
GisExportComplexToVAR public Export the Shape geometry into an internal SHP format.
GisExportComplexToWKB public Export the Shape geometry into a Well Known Binary (see
GisExportComplexToWKT public Export the Shape geometry into a Well Known Text (see
GisExportGeometry2Hex public Export the Shape geometry into variant geometry.
GisExportMultiPointToGDO public Export the Shape geometry into a GeoMedia Database Object (GDO).
GisExportMultiPointToGML public Export the Shape geometry into a GML (see
GisExportMultiPointToJSON public Export the Shape geometry into a GeoJSON (see
GisExportMultiPointToVAR public Export the Shape geometry into an internal SHP format.
GisExportMultiPointToWKB public Export the Shape geometry into a Well Known Binary (see
GisExportMultiPointToWKT public Export the Shape geometry into a Well Known Text (see
GisExportPointToGDO public Export the Shape geometry into a GeoMedia Database Object (GDO).
GisExportPointToGML public Export the Shape geometry into a GML (see
GisExportPointToJSON public Export the Shape geometry into a GeoJSON (see
GisExportPointToVAR public Export the Shape geometry into an internal SHP format.
GisExportPointToWKB public Export the Shape geometry into a Well Known Binary (see
GisExportPointToWKT public Export the Shape geometry into a Well Known Text (see
GisExportPolygonToGDO public Export the Shape geometry into a GeoMedia Database Object (GDO).
GisExportPolygonToGML public Export the Shape geometry into a GML (see
GisExportPolygonToJSON public Export the Shape geometry into a GeoJSON (see
GisExportPolygonToVAR public Export the Shape geometry into an internal SHP format.
GisExportPolygonToWKB public Export the Shape geometry into a Well Known Binary (see
GisExportPolygonToWKT public Export the Shape geometry into a Well Known Text (see
GisExportWKB2Hex public Export the Shape geometry into a Well Known Binary (see
GisExtent public Create new extent.
GisExtent2DFrom3D public Convert 3D extent into 2D extent.
GisExtent3D public Create new extent.
GisExtent3DFrom2D public Convert 3D point into 2D point.
GisExtentArea public Calculate area of extent.
GisExtentArea3D public Calculate area of 3D extent.
GisExtentCubature public Calculate cubature of extent.
GisExtentCubature3D public Calculate cubature of 3D extent.
GisFilePath public Returns path part of a given path.
GisGetLinesCrossing public Get any common line point.
GisGridArray public Initialize grid array and set values to NODATA
GisIsCommonExtent public Have two extents a common part?.
GisIsCommonExtent3D public Have two 3D extents a common part?.
GisIsContainExtent public True if _extent2 fully covers _extent1.
GisIsContainExtent3D public True if _extent2 fully covers _extent1 in 3D.
GisIsEmptyExtent public Is extent empty? Extent is empty if (XMin>=XMax) or (YMin>=YMax)
GisIsEmptyExtent3D public Is extent empty? Extent is empty if (XMin>=XMax) or (YMin>=YMax) or (ZMin>=ZMax)
GisIsLinesCommonPoint public Test if given set of lines have a common point.
GisIsNoWorld public Is extent same as no world (non existing extent)?
GisIsNoWorld3D public Is 3D extent same as no world (non existing extent)?
GisIsPointInsideExtent public Test if a given point is inside a given extent.
GisIsPointInsidePolygon public Test if a given point is inside a given polygon.
GisIsSameExtent(TGIS_Extent; TGIS_Extent) public Are two extents equal?
GisIsSameExtent(TGIS_Extent; TGIS_Extent; Double) public Are two extents equal?
GisIsSameExtent3D(TGIS_Extent3D; TGIS_Extent3D) public Are two 3D extents equal?
GisIsSameExtent3D(TGIS_Extent3D; TGIS_Extent3D; Double) public Are two 3D extents equal?
GisIsSameExtent3DM(TGIS_Extent3D; TGIS_Extent3D) public Are two 3D extents equal?
GisIsSameExtent3DM(TGIS_Extent3D; TGIS_Extent3D; Double) public Are two 3D extents equal?
GisIsSamePoint(TGIS_Point; TGIS_Point) public Are two points equal?
GisIsSamePoint(TGIS_Point; TGIS_Point; Double) public Are two points equal?
GisIsSamePoint3D(TGIS_Point3D; TGIS_Point3D) public Are two 3D points equal in 3D?
GisIsSamePoint3D(TGIS_Point3D; TGIS_Point3D; Double) public Are two 3D points equal in 3D?
GisIsSamePoint3DM(TGIS_Point3D; TGIS_Point3D) public Are two 3D points equal in 3D?
GisIsSamePoint3DM(TGIS_Point3D; TGIS_Point3D; Double) public Are two 3D points equal in 3D?
GisIsWholeWorld public Is extent same as whole world?
GisIsWholeWorld3D public Is 3D extent same as whole world?
GisLatitudeToStr(Double) public Convert latitude in radians to a string representation.
GisLatitudeToStr(Double; Boolean) public Convert latitude in radians to a string representation.
GisLatitudeToStr(Double; Boolean; Integer) public Convert latitude in radians to a string representation.
GisLatitudeToStr(Double; Boolean; Integer; Boolean) public Convert latitude in radians to a string representation.
GisLine(Double; Double; Double; Double) public Create a new line.
GisLine(TGIS_Point; TGIS_Point) public Create a new line.
GisLine2Line public Calculates line to line distance.
GisLine2Line3D public Calculates line to line distance in 3D.
GisLine2Point public Calculates line to point distance.
GisLine2Point3D public Calculates line to point distance in 3D.
GisLine2Point3DFuzzy public Calculates line to point distance.
GisLine2PointFuzzy public Calculates line to point distance.
GisLine3D public Create a new line.
GisLineLength public Calculates line length.
GisLocalizedStringsFromFile public Updates resource string variables with the localized content loaded from file
GisLocalizedStringsFromString public Updates resource string variables with the localized content loaded from string.
GisLongitudeToStr(Double) public Convert a longitude in radians to a string representation.
GisLongitudeToStr(Double; Boolean) public Convert a longitude in radians to a string representation.
GisLongitudeToStr(Double; Boolean; Integer) public Convert a longitude in radians to a string representation.
GisLongitudeToStr(Double; Boolean; Integer; Boolean) public Convert a longitude in radians to a string representation.
GisMaxExtent public Maximum of two extents.
GisMaxExtent3D public Maximum of two 3D extents.
GisMetadata public Access function for a general purpose data container.
GisMetadataAsBoolean public Read global metadata value
GisMetadataAsFloat public Read global metadata value
GisMetadataAsInteger public Read global metadata value
GisMetadataAsString public Read global metadata value
GisMovePoint public Move point by a given delta value.
GisMovePoint3D public Move point by a given delta value in 3D.
GisNormalizedSQLName public Prepare normalized version of a field name.
GisNoWorld public Returns an nil extent.
GisNoWorld3D public Returns an nil 3D extent.
GisOpenCLEngine public Returns a global OpenCL engine object.
GisPathRelative public Returns a path given by _path but relative to directory given by _dir.
GisPoint public Create a new point.
GisPoint2DFrom3D public Convert 3D point into 2D point.
GisPoint2Point public Calculates point-to-point distance.
GisPoint2Point3D public Calculates point-to-point distance in 3D.
GisPoint3D(Double; Double; Double) public Create a new 3D point.
GisPoint3D(Double; Double; Double; Double) public Create a new 3D point.
GisPoint3DFrom2D public Convert 2D point into 3D point.
GisPointOnLine public Calculates a projection of a point into the line.
GisPointOnLine3D public Calculates a projection of a point into the line in 3D.
GisPointsDelta public Calculates delta between two points.
GisPointsDelta3D public Calculates delta between two points in 3D.
GisRadToCompass public Converts an angle in radians to compass (NW, SW etc) representation.
GisRotatePoint public Rotate point by a given angle.
GisSamplesDataDir public Returns directory in which samples data was installed.
GisSamplesDataDirDownload public Download if necessary and returns directory in which samples data was installed.
GisScalePoint public Scale point by a given delta value.
GisScalePoint3D public Scale point by a given delta value in 3D.
GisSetProxySettings public Set global proxy settings.
GisStrToAngle public Convert a angle in a string representation into value in radians.
GisStrToLatitude public Convert longitude in a string representation into value in radians.
GisStrToLongitude public Convert a latitude in a string representation into value in radians.
GisSunPosition(TGIS_Point; TDateTime; Double; Double) public Calculate sun's position based on time, date, and location on Earth
GisSunPosition(TGIS_Point; TDateTime; Double; Double; Double) public Calculate sun's position based on time, date, and location on Earth
GisSupportedFiles public Prepare the list of supported files for use by open/save dialog box.
GisSystemCodePage public Get charset for system (current).
GisTopologyForceShapeFixing public Set default topological operation mode.
GisWholeWorld public Returns an infinite extent
GisWholeWorld3D public Returns an infinite 3D extent
GIS_RELATE_CONTAINS public Predefine DE-9IM array.
GIS_RELATE_CROSS public Predefine DE-9IM array.
GIS_RELATE_CROSS_LINE public Predefine DE-9IM array.
GIS_RELATE_DISJOINT public Predefine DE-9IM array.
GIS_RELATE_EQUALITY public Predefine DE-9IM array.
GIS_RELATE_INTERSECT public Predefine DE-9IM array.
GIS_RELATE_INTERSECT1 public Predefine DE-9IM array.
GIS_RELATE_INTERSECT2 public Predefine DE-9IM array.
GIS_RELATE_INTERSECT3 public Predefine DE-9IM array.
GIS_RELATE_LINE_CROSS_LINE public Predefine DE-9IM array.
GIS_RELATE_LINE_CROSS_POLYGON public Predefine DE-9IM array.
GIS_RELATE_OVERLAP public Predefine DE-9IM array.
GIS_RELATE_OVERLAP_LINE public Predefine DE-9IM array.
GIS_RELATE_TOUCH public Predefine DE-9IM array.
GIS_RELATE_TOUCH_INTERIOR public Predefine DE-9IM array.
GIS_RELATE_WITHIN public Predefine DE-9IM array.
GIS_RENDER_SIZE public Size which indicates that renderer must be used.
ParamAlignment public Convert a literal value into an internal representation.
ParamBitmap public Convert a literal value into an internal representation.
ParamBoolean public Convert a literal value into an internal representation.
ParamChart public Convert a literal value into an internal representation.
ParamColor public Convert a literal value into an internal representation.
ParamDormant public Convert a literal value into an internal representation.
ParamFloat public Convert a literal value into an internal representation.
ParamFontStyle public Convert a literal value into an internal representation.
ParamInteger public Convert a literal value into an internal representation.
ParamMarker public Convert a literal value into an internal representation.
ParamPattern public Convert a literal value into an internal representation.
ParamPen public Convert a literal value into an internal representation.
ParamPosition public Convert a literal value into an internal representation.
ParamString public Convert a literal value into an internal representation.
ParamSymbol public Convert a literal value into an internal representation.
SetLicense public Set license code.

2023/12/20 01:20

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