DK11 for Delphi | GisUtils.TGIS_Utils | Methods | Properties
Name | Visibility | Description | |
ConstructParamAlignment | public | Convert an internal representation of a value into the literal representation. | |
ConstructParamBoolean | public | Convert an internal representation of a value into the literal representation. | |
ConstructParamChart | public | Convert an internal representation of a value into the literal representation. | |
ConstructParamColor | public | Convert an internal representation of a value into the literal representation. | |
ConstructParamDormant | public | Convert an internal representation of a value into the literal representation. | |
ConstructParamFloat | public | Convert an internal representation of a value into the literal representation. | |
ConstructParamFontStyle | public | Convert an internal representation of a value into the literal representation. | |
ConstructParamInteger | public | Convert an internal representation of a value into the literal representation. | |
ConstructParamMarker | public | Convert an internal representation of a value into the literal representation. | |
ConstructParamPattern | public | Convert an internal representation of a value into the literal representation. | |
ConstructParamPen | public | Convert an internal representation of a value into the literal representation. | |
ConstructParamPosition | public | Convert an internal representation of a value into the literal representation. | |
ConstructParamString | public | Convert an internal representation of a value into the literal representation. | |
DotFloatToStr | public | Convert an extended to String. | |
DotStrToFloat | public | Convert a String to extended. | |
ExecutingFolder | public | Get location of executable file. | |
GisAngleToStr(Double) | public | Convert a angle in radians to a string representation. | |
GisAngleToStr(Double; Boolean) | public | Convert a angle in radians to a string representation. | |
GisAngleToStr(Double; Boolean; Integer) | public | Convert a angle in radians to a string representation. | |
GisArcFrom3Points | public | Calculate arc based on any three points from the circle outline. | |
GisArcFrom3Points3D | public | Calculate arc based on any three 3D points from the circle outline. | |
GisBitmapFactoryUniversal | public | Initialize a bitmap factory. | |
GisBuildLineStringFromEdges | public | Build a line string from a list of non complex edges. | |
GisBuildPolygonFromEdges | public | Build a polygon from a list of non complex edges. | |
GisCanonicalSQLName(String) | public | Returns canonical SQL name. | |
GisCanonicalSQLName(String; String) | public | Returns canonical SQL name. | |
GisCenterPoint | public | Calculates center point of given extent. | |
GisCircleFrom3Points | public | Calculate circle based on any three points from the circle outline. | |
GisCircleFrom3Points3D | public | Calculate circle based on any three 3D points from the circle outline. | |
GisColorMap | public | Create a color map for ramps. | |
GisColorMapEx | public | Create extended color map for ramps. | |
GisCommonExtent | public | Common area of two extents. | |
GisCommonExtent3D | public | Common area of two 3D extents. | |
GisContainExtent | public | Is _extent2 wholly encompass by _extent1. | |
GisCreateLayer | public | Create a layer given by a name. | |
GisCreateReprojectedShape | public | Create a reprojected shape. | |
GisCreateShapeFromGDO | public | Create the shape from GeoMedia Database Object (GDO). | |
GisCreateShapeFromGML | public | Create the shape from GML. | |
GisCreateShapeFromJSON | public | Create the shape from JSON. | |
GisCreateShapeFromWKB | public | Create the shape from Well Known Binary (see: | |
GisCreateShapeFromWKT | public | Create the shape from a Well Known Text (see: | |
GisCUDAEngine | public | Returns a global OpenCL engine object. | |
GisDecodeAngle(Double; Integer; Integer; Integer; Integer; Integer) | public | Decode angle value into degrees, minutes, seconds. | |
GisDecodeAngle(Double; Integer; Integer; Integer; Integer; Integer; Integer) | public | Decode angle value into degrees, minutes, seconds. | |
GisDecodeLatitude(Double; Integer; Integer; Integer; Integer; Integer) | public | Decode latitude value into degrees, minutes, seconds. | |
GisDecodeLatitude(Double; Integer; Integer; Integer; Integer; Integer; Integer) | public | Decode latitude value into degrees, minutes, seconds. | |
GisDecodeLongitude(Double; Integer; Integer; Integer; Integer; Integer) | public | Decode longitude value into degrees, minutes, seconds. | |
GisDecodeLongitude(Double; Integer; Integer; Integer; Integer; Integer; Integer) | public | Decode longitude value into degrees, minutes, seconds. | |
GisDefaultField | public | Get default value for selected field type | |
GisDeNormalizedSQLName | public | Prepare de-normalized version of a field name. | |
GisDMax | public | Maximum of two doubles. | |
GisDMin | public | Minimum of two doubles. | |
GisEncodeAngle(Double) | public | Encode angle value from the values specified as the degrees, minutes, seconds. | |
GisEncodeAngle(Double; Double) | public | Encode angle value from the values specified as the degrees, minutes, seconds. | |
GisEncodeAngle(Double; Double; Double) | public | Encode angle value from the values specified as the degrees, minutes, seconds. | |
GisEncodeAngle(Double; Double; Double; Integer) | public | Encode angle value from the values specified as the degrees, minutes, seconds. | |
GisEncodeLatitude(Double) | public | Encode longitude value from the values specified as the degrees, minutes, seconds. | |
GisEncodeLatitude(Double; Double) | public | Encode longitude value from the values specified as the degrees, minutes, seconds. | |
GisEncodeLatitude(Double; Double; Double) | public | Encode longitude value from the values specified as the degrees, minutes, seconds. | |
GisEncodeLatitude(Double; Double; Double; Integer) | public | Encode longitude value from the values specified as the degrees, minutes, seconds. | |
GisEncodeLongitude(Double) | public | Encode longitude value from the values specified as the degrees, minutes, seconds. | |
GisEncodeLongitude(Double; Double) | public | Encode longitude value from the values specified as the degrees, minutes, seconds. | |
GisEncodeLongitude(Double; Double; Double) | public | Encode longitude value from the values specified as the degrees, minutes, seconds. | |
GisEncodeLongitude(Double; Double; Double; Integer) | public | Encode longitude value from the values specified as the degrees, minutes, seconds. | |
GisExportArcToGDO | public | Export the Shape geometry into a GeoMedia Database Object (GDO). | |
GisExportArcToGML | public | Export the Shape geometry into a GML (see | |
GisExportArcToJSON | public | Export the Shape geometry into a GeoJSON (see | |
GisExportArcToVAR | public | Export the Shape geometry into an internal SHP format. | |
GisExportArcToWKB | public | Export the Shape geometry into a Well Known Binary (see | |
GisExportArcToWKT | public | Export the Shape geometry into a Well Known Text (see | |
GisExportComplexToGDO | public | Export the Shape geometry into a GeoMedia Database Object (GDO). | |
GisExportComplexToGML | public | Export the Shape geometry into a GML (see | |
GisExportComplexToJSON | public | Export the Shape geometry into a GeoJSON (see | |
GisExportComplexToVAR | public | Export the Shape geometry into an internal SHP format. | |
GisExportComplexToWKB | public | Export the Shape geometry into a Well Known Binary (see | |
GisExportComplexToWKT | public | Export the Shape geometry into a Well Known Text (see | |
GisExportGeometry2Hex | public | Export the Shape geometry into variant geometry. | |
GisExportMultiPointToGDO | public | Export the Shape geometry into a GeoMedia Database Object (GDO). | |
GisExportMultiPointToGML | public | Export the Shape geometry into a GML (see | |
GisExportMultiPointToJSON | public | Export the Shape geometry into a GeoJSON (see | |
GisExportMultiPointToVAR | public | Export the Shape geometry into an internal SHP format. | |
GisExportMultiPointToWKB | public | Export the Shape geometry into a Well Known Binary (see | |
GisExportMultiPointToWKT | public | Export the Shape geometry into a Well Known Text (see | |
GisExportPointToGDO | public | Export the Shape geometry into a GeoMedia Database Object (GDO). | |
GisExportPointToGML | public | Export the Shape geometry into a GML (see | |
GisExportPointToJSON | public | Export the Shape geometry into a GeoJSON (see | |
GisExportPointToVAR | public | Export the Shape geometry into an internal SHP format. | |
GisExportPointToWKB | public | Export the Shape geometry into a Well Known Binary (see | |
GisExportPointToWKT | public | Export the Shape geometry into a Well Known Text (see | |
GisExportPolygonToGDO | public | Export the Shape geometry into a GeoMedia Database Object (GDO). | |
GisExportPolygonToGML | public | Export the Shape geometry into a GML (see | |
GisExportPolygonToJSON | public | Export the Shape geometry into a GeoJSON (see | |
GisExportPolygonToVAR | public | Export the Shape geometry into an internal SHP format. | |
GisExportPolygonToWKB | public | Export the Shape geometry into a Well Known Binary (see | |
GisExportPolygonToWKT | public | Export the Shape geometry into a Well Known Text (see | |
GisExportWKB2Hex | public | Export the Shape geometry into a Well Known Binary (see | |
GisExtent | public | Create new extent. | |
GisExtent2DFrom3D | public | Convert 3D extent into 2D extent. | |
GisExtent3D | public | Create new extent. | |
GisExtent3DFrom2D | public | Convert 3D point into 2D point. | |
GisExtentArea | public | Calculate area of extent. | |
GisExtentArea3D | public | Calculate area of 3D extent. | |
GisExtentCubature | public | Calculate cubature of extent. | |
GisExtentCubature3D | public | Calculate cubature of 3D extent. | |
GisFilePath | public | Returns path part of a given path. | |
GisGetLinesCrossing | public | Get any common line point. | |
GisGridArray | public | Initialize grid array and set values to NODATA | |
GisIsCommonExtent | public | Have two extents a common part?. | |
GisIsCommonExtent3D | public | Have two 3D extents a common part?. | |
GisIsContainExtent | public | True if _extent2 fully covers _extent1. | |
GisIsContainExtent3D | public | True if _extent2 fully covers _extent1 in 3D. | |
GisIsEmptyExtent | public | Is extent empty? Extent is empty if (XMin>=XMax) or (YMin>=YMax) | |
GisIsEmptyExtent3D | public | Is extent empty? Extent is empty if (XMin>=XMax) or (YMin>=YMax) or (ZMin>=ZMax) | |
GisIsLinesCommonPoint | public | Test if given set of lines have a common point. | |
GisIsNoWorld | public | Is extent same as no world (non existing extent)? | |
GisIsNoWorld3D | public | Is 3D extent same as no world (non existing extent)? | |
GisIsPointInsideExtent | public | Test if a given point is inside a given extent. | |
GisIsPointInsidePolygon | public | Test if a given point is inside a given polygon. | |
GisIsSameExtent(TGIS_Extent; TGIS_Extent) | public | Are two extents equal? | |
GisIsSameExtent(TGIS_Extent; TGIS_Extent; Double) | public | Are two extents equal? | |
GisIsSameExtent3D(TGIS_Extent3D; TGIS_Extent3D) | public | Are two 3D extents equal? | |
GisIsSameExtent3D(TGIS_Extent3D; TGIS_Extent3D; Double) | public | Are two 3D extents equal? | |
GisIsSameExtent3DM(TGIS_Extent3D; TGIS_Extent3D) | public | Are two 3D extents equal? | |
GisIsSameExtent3DM(TGIS_Extent3D; TGIS_Extent3D; Double) | public | Are two 3D extents equal? | |
GisIsSamePoint(TGIS_Point; TGIS_Point) | public | Are two points equal? | |
GisIsSamePoint(TGIS_Point; TGIS_Point; Double) | public | Are two points equal? | |
GisIsSamePoint3D(TGIS_Point3D; TGIS_Point3D) | public | Are two 3D points equal in 3D? | |
GisIsSamePoint3D(TGIS_Point3D; TGIS_Point3D; Double) | public | Are two 3D points equal in 3D? | |
GisIsSamePoint3DM(TGIS_Point3D; TGIS_Point3D) | public | Are two 3D points equal in 3D? | |
GisIsSamePoint3DM(TGIS_Point3D; TGIS_Point3D; Double) | public | Are two 3D points equal in 3D? | |
GisIsWholeWorld | public | Is extent same as whole world? | |
GisIsWholeWorld3D | public | Is 3D extent same as whole world? | |
GisLatitudeToStr(Double) | public | Convert latitude in radians to a string representation. | |
GisLatitudeToStr(Double; Boolean) | public | Convert latitude in radians to a string representation. | |
GisLatitudeToStr(Double; Boolean; Integer) | public | Convert latitude in radians to a string representation. | |
GisLatitudeToStr(Double; Boolean; Integer; Boolean) | public | Convert latitude in radians to a string representation. | |
GisLine(Double; Double; Double; Double) | public | Create a new line. | |
GisLine(TGIS_Point; TGIS_Point) | public | Create a new line. | |
GisLine2Line | public | Calculates line to line distance. | |
GisLine2Line3D | public | Calculates line to line distance in 3D. | |
GisLine2Point | public | Calculates line to point distance. | |
GisLine2Point3D | public | Calculates line to point distance in 3D. | |
GisLine2Point3DFuzzy | public | Calculates line to point distance. | |
GisLine2PointFuzzy | public | Calculates line to point distance. | |
GisLine3D | public | Create a new line. | |
GisLineLength | public | Calculates line length. | |
GisLocalizedStringsFromFile | public | Updates resource string variables with the localized content loaded from file | |
GisLocalizedStringsFromString | public | Updates resource string variables with the localized content loaded from string. | |
GisLongitudeToStr(Double) | public | Convert a longitude in radians to a string representation. | |
GisLongitudeToStr(Double; Boolean) | public | Convert a longitude in radians to a string representation. | |
GisLongitudeToStr(Double; Boolean; Integer) | public | Convert a longitude in radians to a string representation. | |
GisLongitudeToStr(Double; Boolean; Integer; Boolean) | public | Convert a longitude in radians to a string representation. | |
GisMaxExtent | public | Maximum of two extents. | |
GisMaxExtent3D | public | Maximum of two 3D extents. | |
GisMetadata | public | Access function for a general purpose data container. | |
GisMetadataAsBoolean | public | Read global metadata value | |
GisMetadataAsFloat | public | Read global metadata value | |
GisMetadataAsInteger | public | Read global metadata value | |
GisMetadataAsString | public | Read global metadata value | |
GisMovePoint | public | Move point by a given delta value. | |
GisMovePoint3D | public | Move point by a given delta value in 3D. | |
GisNormalizedSQLName | public | Prepare normalized version of a field name. | |
GisNoWorld | public | Returns an nil extent. | |
GisNoWorld3D | public | Returns an nil 3D extent. | |
GisOpenCLEngine | public | Returns a global OpenCL engine object. | |
GisPathRelative | public | Returns a path given by _path but relative to directory given by _dir. | |
GisPoint | public | Create a new point. | |
GisPoint2DFrom3D | public | Convert 3D point into 2D point. | |
GisPoint2Point | public | Calculates point-to-point distance. | |
GisPoint2Point3D | public | Calculates point-to-point distance in 3D. | |
GisPoint3D(Double; Double; Double) | public | Create a new 3D point. | |
GisPoint3D(Double; Double; Double; Double) | public | Create a new 3D point. | |
GisPoint3DFrom2D | public | Convert 2D point into 3D point. | |
GisPointOnLine | public | Calculates a projection of a point into the line. | |
GisPointOnLine3D | public | Calculates a projection of a point into the line in 3D. | |
GisPointsDelta | public | Calculates delta between two points. | |
GisPointsDelta3D | public | Calculates delta between two points in 3D. | |
GisRadToCompass | public | Converts an angle in radians to compass (NW, SW etc) representation. | |
GisRotatePoint | public | Rotate point by a given angle. | |
GisSamplesDataDir | public | Returns directory in which samples data was installed. | |
GisSamplesDataDirDownload | public | Download if necessary and returns directory in which samples data was installed. | |
GisScalePoint | public | Scale point by a given delta value. | |
GisScalePoint3D | public | Scale point by a given delta value in 3D. | |
GisSetProxySettings | public | Set global proxy settings. | |
GisStrToAngle | public | Convert a angle in a string representation into value in radians. | |
GisStrToLatitude | public | Convert longitude in a string representation into value in radians. | |
GisStrToLongitude | public | Convert a latitude in a string representation into value in radians. | |
GisSunPosition(TGIS_Point; TDateTime; Double; Double) | public | Calculate sun's position based on time, date, and location on Earth | |
GisSunPosition(TGIS_Point; TDateTime; Double; Double; Double) | public | Calculate sun's position based on time, date, and location on Earth | |
GisSupportedFiles | public | Prepare the list of supported files for use by open/save dialog box. | |
GisSystemCodePage | public | Get charset for system (current). | |
GisTopologyForceShapeFixing | public | Set default topological operation mode. | |
GisWholeWorld | public | Returns an infinite extent | |
GisWholeWorld3D | public | Returns an infinite 3D extent | |
GIS_RELATE_CONTAINS | public | Predefine DE-9IM array. | |
GIS_RELATE_CROSS | public | Predefine DE-9IM array. | |
GIS_RELATE_CROSS_LINE | public | Predefine DE-9IM array. | |
GIS_RELATE_DISJOINT | public | Predefine DE-9IM array. | |
GIS_RELATE_EQUALITY | public | Predefine DE-9IM array. | |
GIS_RELATE_INTERSECT | public | Predefine DE-9IM array. | |
GIS_RELATE_INTERSECT1 | public | Predefine DE-9IM array. | |
GIS_RELATE_INTERSECT2 | public | Predefine DE-9IM array. | |
GIS_RELATE_INTERSECT3 | public | Predefine DE-9IM array. | |
GIS_RELATE_LINE_CROSSTRAVERS_POLYGON | public | Predefine DE-9IM array. | |
GIS_RELATE_LINE_CROSS_LINE | public | Predefine DE-9IM array. | |
GIS_RELATE_LINE_CROSS_POLYGON | public | Predefine DE-9IM array. | |
GIS_RELATE_LINE_TRAVERS_POLYGON | public | Predefine DE-9IM array. | |
GIS_RELATE_OVERLAP | public | Predefine DE-9IM array. | |
GIS_RELATE_OVERLAP_LINE | public | Predefine DE-9IM array. | |
GIS_RELATE_POLYGON_CROSSED_BY_LINE | public | Predefine DE-9IM array. | |
GIS_RELATE_POLYGON_TRAVERSED_BY_LINE | public | Predefine DE-9IM array. | |
GIS_RELATE_TOUCH | public | Predefine DE-9IM array. | |
GIS_RELATE_TOUCH_BOUNDARY_BOUNDARY | public | Predefine DE-9IM array. | |
GIS_RELATE_TOUCH_BOUNDARY_INTERIOR | public | Predefine DE-9IM array. | |
GIS_RELATE_TOUCH_INTERIOR | public | Predefine DE-9IM array. | |
GIS_RELATE_TOUCH_INTERIOR_BOUNDARY | public | Predefine DE-9IM array. | |
GIS_RELATE_WITHIN | public | Predefine DE-9IM array. | |
GIS_RENDER_SIZE | public | Size which indicates that renderer must be used. | |
ParamAlignment | public | Convert a literal value into an internal representation. | |
ParamBitmap | public | Convert a literal value into an internal representation. | |
ParamBoolean | public | Convert a literal value into an internal representation. | |
ParamChart | public | Convert a literal value into an internal representation. | |
ParamColor | public | Convert a literal value into an internal representation. | |
ParamDormant | public | Convert a literal value into an internal representation. | |
ParamFloat | public | Convert a literal value into an internal representation. | |
ParamFontStyle | public | Convert a literal value into an internal representation. | |
ParamInteger | public | Convert a literal value into an internal representation. | |
ParamMarker | public | Convert a literal value into an internal representation. | |
ParamPattern | public | Convert a literal value into an internal representation. | |
ParamPen | public | Convert a literal value into an internal representation. | |
ParamPosition | public | Convert a literal value into an internal representation. | |
ParamString | public | Convert a literal value into an internal representation. | |
ParamSymbol | public | Convert a literal value into an internal representation. | |
SetLicense | public | Set license code. | |