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TGIS_SymbolAbstract class

DK11 for Delphi | GisSymbol.TGIS_SymbolAbstract | Classes | Constructors | Methods | Properties

Encapsulation of symbols.

Available also on: .NET | Java | ActiveX | Python.


// Delphi
  TGIS_SymbolAbstract = class( TGIS_ObjectDisposable )
// C++ Builder
class PASCALIMPLEMENTATION TGIS_SymbolAbstract : public TGIS_ObjectDisposable



Inherited Overrides Protected
Name Visibility Description
Create public Create a symbol.


Inherited Overrides Protected
Name Visibility Description
ClearCache public Clear the internal representation of a symbol.
Draw(Integer; Integer) public Draw the symbol.
Draw(Single; Single) public Draw the symbol.
fromPixel protected Convert a value from the scaled pixel value.
getRealSymHeight protected Returns the real height of the symbol in pixels.
getRealSymWidth protected Returns the real width of the symbol in pixels.
getSymHeight protected Returns height of the symbol.
getSymSize protected Returns size of the symbol.
getSymWidth protected Returns width of the symbol.
Prepare(IGIS_Viewer; Integer; Double; TGIS_Color; TGIS_Color; Double; Integer; TGIS_SymbolPosition; Boolean; TObject) public Prepare symbol
Prepare(IGIS_Viewer; Integer; TGIS_Color; TGIS_Color; Double; Integer; TGIS_SymbolPosition; Boolean) public Prepare symbol
Prepare(IGIS_Viewer; Integer; TGIS_Color; TGIS_Color; Double; Integer; TGIS_SymbolPosition; Boolean; TObject) public Prepare symbol
prepareRotate protected Prepare symbol rotation
realizeColor1 protected Realize color.
realizeColor2 protected Realize color.
scaleAndRotate protected Scale to pixels and rotate a given point.
setPosition protected Set the symbol position (related to point origin).
set_symbol_parameters protected Set some parameters of symbol.
toPixelF protected Convert a value to the scaled pixel value.
toPixelI protected Convert a value to the scaled pixel value.
Unprepare public Unprepare symbol.


Inherited Protected
Name Visibility Description
AutoCenter public Autocentering symbol in 50% of the size.
Center public Center point of the symbol in percent of the size.
Height public Height of symbol in pixels.
IsFileBased public If True, then symbol is file based - name is same as path.
Name public Name of the symbol.
NativeHeight public Height of the symbol in original symbol units.
NativeSize public Size of the symbol in original symbol units.
NativeWidth public Width of the symbol in original symbol units.
ShieldBounds public Rectangle in original symbol units representing part of a symbol that represent actual symbols.
ShieldLabel public Rectangle in original symbol units reserved for labels in a shield symbols.
Size public Size of the symbol in pixels.
Width public Width of the symbol in pixels.

2024/12/20 22:20

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