DK11 for Delphi | GisParams.TGIS_ParamsPixel | Constructors | Methods | Properties
Name | Visibility | Description | |
AlphaBand | public | Alpha band number. | |
AltitudeMapZones | public | List of zones for mapping the altitude. | |
Antialias | public | Antialias scaling. | |
Blue | public | Blue brightness +/- 100%. | |
BlueBand | public | Blue band number. | |
BlueMapZones | public | List of zones for mapping the blue channel. | |
Brightness | public | Brightness +/- 100%. | |
ColorRamp | public | A color ramp for coloring grid values. | |
Contrast | public | Contrast +/- 100%. | |
ContrastEnhanced | public | If True, then image has automatically enhanced contrast. | |
FullRGBMapZones | public | List of zones for mapping the full color (RGB). | |
GrayMapZones | public | List of zones for mapping in gray. | |
GrayScale | public | If True, then image must be gray scaled; default is False. | |
Green | public | Green brightness +/- 100%. | |
GreenBand | public | Green band number. | |
GreenMapZones | public | List of zones for mapping the green channel. | |
GridBand | public | Grid band number. | |
GridNoValue | public | Grid "no-value". | |
GridShadow | public | Grid shadow. | |
GridShadowAngle | public | Shadow angle used for grid shadowing. | |
GridSmoothColors | public | Grid smooth colors. | |
Histogram | public | If True, then image must equalized by histogram; default is False. | |
HistogramPath | public | Name of read or saved histogram. | |
Inversion | public | If True, then image must be inverted; default is False. | |
LegendImage | public | Image in legend component. | |
MaxHeightThreshold | public | Maximum threshold of the grid elevation value to display. | |
MinHeightThreshold | public | Minimum threshold of the grid elevation value to display. | |
Page | public | Page number. | |
Parent | public | Owner of the parameters. (Inherited from TGIS_ParamsSpecific) |
Red | public | Red brightness +/- 100%. | |
RedBand | public | Red band number. | |
RedMapZones | public | List of zones for mapping the red channel. | |
Serial | public | Serial number updated after any property change. (Inherited from TGIS_ParamsAbstract) |
Shape | public | Shape associated with parameter (if any) belongs. (Inherited from TGIS_ParamsSpecific) |
ShowLegend | public | Show feature in legend component? | |
TransparentZones | public | List of transparent zones. | |
UserObject | public | UserObject can be used to associate with Params a user-defined object. (Inherited from TGIS_ParamsAbstract) |