DK11 for Delphi | GisParams.TGIS_ParamsLabel | Constructors | Methods | Properties
Name | Visibility | Description | |
Alignment | public | Alignment of text within a label. | |
Allocator | public | Use allocator to avoid overlapping. | |
Bitmap | public | Interior bitmap. (Inherited from TGIS_ParamsFeature) |
Color | public | Interior color. (Inherited from TGIS_ParamsFeature) |
ColorAsText | public | Color. Grouping as a text property all properties that affect Color presentation like Color or ColorEx.Uses AsText parameter syntax. (Inherited from TGIS_ParamsFeature) |
Duplicates | public | If False then duplicated label will not be visible. | |
Field | public | Database field from which a label can be retrieved. | |
Font | public | Font for label. | |
FontColor | public | Font color for label. | |
FontColorAsText | public | Font.Color. | |
FontName | public | Font name for label. | |
FontSize | public | Font size for label. | |
FontSizeAsText | public | FontSize. Grouping as a text property all properties that affect Font.Size presentation.Uses AsText parameter syntax. | |
FontStyle | public | Font style for label. | |
Height | public | Maximum height of label. | |
HeightAsText | public | Height. Grouping as a text property all properties that affect Height presentation and represent sizes in a human readable form like '10pt', '3in'.Uses AsText parameter syntax. | |
OffsetPosition | public | Offset position to assign positive or negative sign for OffsetX and OffsetY.Uses AsText parameter syntax. (Inherited from TGIS_ParamsFeature) |
OffsetX | public | Offset for drawing a shape. (Inherited from TGIS_ParamsFeature) |
OffsetXAsText | public | Offset for drawing a shape. (Inherited from TGIS_ParamsFeature) |
OffsetY | public | Offset for drawing a shape. (Inherited from TGIS_ParamsFeature) |
OffsetYAsText | public | Offset for drawing a shape. (Inherited from TGIS_ParamsFeature) |
OutlineBackcolor | public | Outline backcolor; used for dash styles. (Inherited from TGIS_ParamsFeature) |
OutlineBitmap | public | Outline bitmap. (Inherited from TGIS_ParamsFeature) |
OutlineColor | public | Outline color. (Inherited from TGIS_ParamsFeature) |
OutlineColorAsText | public | OutlineColor. (Inherited from TGIS_ParamsFeature) |
OutlinePattern | public | Outline pattern. (Inherited from TGIS_ParamsFeature) |
OutlinePatternAsText | public | Outline pattern. (Inherited from TGIS_ParamsFeature) |
OutlineStyle | public | Outline style. (Inherited from TGIS_ParamsFeature) |
OutlineStyleAsText | public | OutlineStyle. (Inherited from TGIS_ParamsFeature) |
OutlineWidth | public | Outline width. (Inherited from TGIS_ParamsFeature) |
OutlineWidthAsText | public | OutlineWidth. (Inherited from TGIS_ParamsFeature) |
Parent | public | Owner of the parameters. (Inherited from TGIS_ParamsSpecific) |
Pattern | public | Interior pattern. (Inherited from TGIS_ParamsFeature) |
PatternAsText | public | Pattern. Grouping as a text property all properties that affect Outline presentation like Symbol, Bitmap or Style.Uses AsText parameter syntax. (Inherited from TGIS_ParamsFeature) |
Position | public | Position of Label. | |
PositionAsText | public | Position. Grouping as a text property all properties that affect Position presentation.Uses AsText parameter syntax. | |
Rotate | public | Rotation angle in radians. | |
RotateAsText | public | Rotate. Grouping as a text property all properties that affect Rotate presentation like Rotate or RotateEx and represent rotation in a human readable form like '45deg', '0.5rad'.Uses AsText parameter syntax. | |
RotateIndirect | public | True if label is rotated by attribute field. | |
Serial | public | Serial number updated after any property change. (Inherited from TGIS_ParamsAbstract) |
Shape | public | Shape associated with parameter (if any) belongs. (Inherited from TGIS_ParamsSpecific) |
Shield | public | Label shield. | |
ShieldAsText | public | Label shield. | |
ShowLegend | public | Show feature in legend component? (Inherited from TGIS_ParamsFeature) |
SmartSize | public | Default minimum bounding box size which is to be visible (>0 in twips, <0 in pixels). (Inherited from TGIS_ParamsFeature) |
SmartSizeAsText | public | Smart Size. (Inherited from TGIS_ParamsFeature) |
UserObject | public | UserObject can be used to associate with Params a user-defined object. (Inherited from TGIS_ParamsAbstract) |
Value | public | Label format String in a form '{FIELD_NAME} html text'. | |
Visible | public | If False, then label will not be visible. | |
Width | public | Maximum width of label. | |
WidthAsText | public | Width. Grouping as a text property all properties that affect Width presentation and represent sizes in a human readable form like '10pt', '3in'.Uses AsText parameter syntax. | |