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TGIS_Shape.Recreate(TGIS_Shape; Pointer; Boolean; TGIS_Uid; TGIS_LayerVector) method


// Delphi
  procedure Recreate(
    const _source : TGIS_Shape;
    const _ptr : Pointer;
    const _mapped : Boolean;
    const _uid : TGIS_Uid;
    const _layer : TGIS_LayerVector
  ); overload; virtual;
// C++ Builder
  virtual void Recreate(
    TGIS_Shape* const _source,
    const void* _ptr,
    const bool _mapped,
    TGIS_Uid* const _uid,
    TGIS_LayerVector* const _layer
  ) /* overload */;


Name Type Description
_source TGIS_Shape If not nil, then the base shape will be based on this shape. Otherwise _ptr, _uid and _layer will be used.
_ptr Pointer Address in memory where shape data exists.
_mapped Boolean True if pointer is mapped to the file
_uid TGIS_Uid Unique identifier for shape.
_layer TGIS_LayerVector Reference to the layer on which the shape will be created.


Use this method to recreate an instance with new basic values. Needed for faster FindNext in mapped file shapes. In such a situation shapes will be "reused" in FindNext loop. See Create method for details and example.

2024/12/20 22:19

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