DK11 for Delphi | GisLayerVector.TGIS_LayerVector.Build | Overloads | Constructors | Fields | Methods | Properties | Events
Builds s new layer - prepare storage.
// Delphi public procedure Build( const _path : String; const _extent : TGIS_Extent; const _type : TGIS_ShapeType; const _dim : TGIS_DimensionType ); overload; virtual;
// C++ Builder public: virtual void Build( const UnicodeString _path, TGIS_Extent* const _extent, TGIS_ShapeType* const _type, TGIS_DimensionType* const _dim ) /* overload */;
Name | Type | Description |
_path | String | full path of layer to be built; a connection string for SQL base shapes; |
_extent | TGIS_Extent | starting extent of layer - can't be zero sized |
_type | TGIS_ShapeType | shape type supported by a layer |
_dim | TGIS_DimensionType | dimension; for default layer dimension use TGIS_DimensionType.Unknown |
Use this method to build a new layer (prepare storage). Depending on layer type different files are created or used. For GIS_LayerSHP there are .shp and .dbf, GIS_LayerSQLAbstract uses .ttkls files.
To add a new layer to the viewer simply create one, use Build method with proper params, fill needed layer properties and use the viewer Add method.
Here is a simple procedure to add a new layer to the viewer.
procedure MyClass.AddLayer; var myExtent : TGIS_Extent; shpType : TGIS_ShapeType; myLayer : TGIS_LayerSHP; layerName : String; layerPath : String; layerFullName : String; begin // Set the extent of the new layer myExtent:=GIS.Extent; // Set type of the shape shtType:=TGIS_ShapeType.Polygon; // Set a name for a layer to be created. layerPath:=ExtractFilePath(Application.ExeName); layerName:='Layer_'+IntToStr(GIS.Items.Count+1)+'.shp'; layerFullName:=layerPath + layerName; // Create a new layer. myLayer:=TGIS_LayerSHP.Create ; // Build layer file and set the layer path and name. myLayer.Build (layerFullName, myExtent, shpType); myLayer.Path:=layerFullName; myLayer.Name:=layerName; // Add layer to the viewer. GIS.Add (myLayer); myLayer.AddField( "name", TGIS_FieldType.String, 255, 0 ); end;