DK for Delphi | GisLayerPixel.TGIS_LayerPixel | Constructors | Fields | Methods | Properties | Events | Events
Name | Visibility | Description | |
activeTransform | protected | True when Transform is assigned with Active flag set on True. | |
alphaAssociated | protected | Image with associated alpha data. | |
alphaBuffer | protected | Alpha data buffer. | |
altitudeZones | protected | Table with altitude zones | |
assignedColorRamp | protected | increase coloring performance by storing Params.Pixel.ColorRamp property | |
asWritable | protected | LockPixels used as writable. | |
bandMask | protected | From function LockPixels on band. | |
bandsDefinition | protected | Band definition. | |
bandsMap | protected | Numbers of bands using as red, green, blue and alpha | |
baseCellHeight | protected | To restore CellHeight after transformation. | |
baseCellWidth | protected | To restore CellWidth after transformation. | |
baseProjectedExtent | protected | Helper for rotations. | |
baseRotation | protected | Rotation from World file | |
bigEndian | protected | Byte order from most significant to least significant. | |
bitPalette | protected | Bitmap palette (must follow infoHeader). | |
bitsPerBand | protected | Bits per pixel for each band | |
bitsPerPixel | protected | Total bits count per pixel (for uncompressed data) | |
bitsSkipLeft | protected | Bits to skio on lfet for each band | |
bitsSkipRight | protected | Bits to skio on right for each band | |
blueTransp | protected | List of transparent colors in Blue channel. | |
bytesPerBand | protected | Bytes per pixel for each band | |
bytesPerPixel | protected | Summary number bytes per pixel for all bands | |
cntrRotFactX | protected | Auxiliary x factor | |
cntrRotFactY | protected | Auxiliary y factor | |
cntrRotX | protected | Center of rotation x | |
cntrRotY | protected | Center of rotation y | |
colorNoData | protected | Color used for not defined data. | |
colorsNo | protected | Number of colors in palette | |
corFullRGB | protected | Full RGB color mapping. | |
corRGB | protected | Color correction. | |
defaultPartialTransparent | protected | Default using of alpha band. | |
dstGrid | protected | Manipulated grid data | |
extZoom | protected | Used for importing grid (with association to setFileScale). | |
extZoomX | protected | Used for importing grid (with association to setFileScaleXY). | |
extZoomY | protected | Used for importing grid (with association to setFileScaleXY). | |
FActive | protected | Is layer active? (Inherited from TGIS_Layer) |
FAddition | protected | Addition value. (Inherited from TGIS_Layer) |
FAge | protected | Age of the layer. (Inherited from TGIS_Layer) |
FAntialias | protected | Antialias scaling (for some layers only like PNG and JPG) | |
FAntialiasFilter | protected | Scaling filter (like Linear, Lanczos) to be used for scaling images and grids. | |
FBandsCount | protected | Number of bands in file. | |
FBasemap | protected | True if the layer is interpreted as basemap. (Inherited from TGIS_Layer) |
FBasemapDraw | protected | If True, the layer at the moment is drawn inside a basemap thread. (Inherited from TGIS_Layer) |
FBitHeight | protected | Height of a layer in pixels. | |
FBitmapFormat | protected | Actual bitmap format - ARGB available now . | |
FBitmapLinesOrder | protected | Actual lines order - Down available now. | |
FBitWidth | protected | Width of a layer in pixels. | |
FCachedPaint | protected | False if layer must be painted directly (bypassing cache). (Inherited from TGIS_Layer) |
FCapabilities | protected | List of available image format in this layer (assigned with name extension). | |
FCaption | protected | Layer caption. (Inherited from TGIS_Layer) |
FCellHeight | protected | Height of a cell in pixels. | |
FCellWidth | protected | Width of a cell in pixels. | |
FCodePage | protected | Code Page in which text has been stored. (Inherited from TGIS_Layer) |
FCodePageForced | protected | Code Page forced by project file or property setting. (Inherited from TGIS_Layer) |
FCollapsed | protected | Is layer collapsed? (Inherited from TGIS_Layer) |
FComments | protected | Additional comments. (Inherited from TGIS_Layer) |
FConfigFile | protected | Configuration file handle. (Inherited from TGIS_Layer) |
FConfigFile2 | protected | Configuration file handle. (Inherited from TGIS_Layer) |
FConfigName | protected | Configuration file name. (Inherited from TGIS_Layer) |
FCS | protected | Projection object. (Inherited from TGIS_Layer) |
FCurrentPage | protected | Current page i image file (TIF). | |
FCustomData | protected | List of custom data. (Inherited from TGIS_Layer) |
FCuttingPolygon | protected | Cutting polygon | |
FDormantMode | protected | Dormant mode for the layer. (Inherited from TGIS_Layer) |
FDriver | protected | Layer driver. (Inherited from TGIS_Layer) |
FExtent | protected | Layer extent. (Inherited from TGIS_Layer) |
FExtent3D | protected | Layer extent 3D. (Inherited from TGIS_Layer) |
FFileCopyright | protected | Additional textual information about layer copyright. (Inherited from TGIS_Layer) |
FFileInfo | protected | Additional textual information about the layer such as compression, number of pixels, copyright etc. (Inherited from TGIS_Layer) |
FForcedBandsDefinition | protected | Forced BandsDefinition. | |
FGridBand | protected | Band number in file used as grid band. | |
FGridOperation | protected | Grid operation event handle. | |
FHideFromLegend | protected | True if layer should not be visible in a legend. (Inherited from TGIS_Layer) |
fileStream | protected | Bitmap file stream. | |
FInPaint | protected | True if the layer upon paint process. (Inherited from TGIS_Layer) |
FInterpretation | protected | Forced layer interpretation. | |
FIsContrastEnhanced | protected | True if image has automatically enhanced contrast. | |
FIsGridImage | protected | True if image is grid type. | |
FIsLocked | protected | True if layer is in locked state Lock. (Inherited from TGIS_Layer) |
FIsModified | protected | True if structure (field, geometry etc) was modified. (Inherited from TGIS_Layer) |
FIsNativeGridImage | protected | True if image is really grid type. | |
FIsOpened | protected | True if layer was opened. (Inherited from TGIS_Layer) |
FIsPrepared | protected | True if layer was opened. (Inherited from TGIS_Layer) |
FIsReadOnly | protected | Read only flag. (Inherited from TGIS_Layer) |
FIsTiled | protected | True if layer is tiled. | |
FMaxThresholdZ | protected | Maximum threshold of the grid elevation value to display. | |
FMaxTileSize | protected | Maximum allowed tile size for the layer. (Inherited from TGIS_Layer) |
FMaxZ | protected | Maximum elevation value in grid file. | |
FMinThresholdZ | protected | Minimum threshold of the grid elevation value to display. | |
FMinZ | protected | Minimum elevation value in grid file. | |
FMultiUserMode | protected | Multiuser mode. (Inherited from TGIS_Layer) |
FName | protected | Layer name. (Inherited from TGIS_Layer) |
FNoDataColor | protected | Color property to define default color to be used to fill "empty" area upon PixelExportManager. | |
FNoDataValue | protected | Value in the grid file assigned to cells whose value in unknown | |
FOnBusy | protected | Busy event. (Inherited from TGIS_Layer) |
FOnPaintLayer | protected | PaintLayer event. (Inherited from TGIS_Layer) |
FOnPassword | protected | Will be fired upon opening layer to resolve any username/password (Inherited from TGIS_Layer) |
FOnRead | protected | Will be fired upon each file Read request. (Inherited from TGIS_Layer) |
FOnWrite | protected | Will be fired upon each file Write request. (Inherited from TGIS_Layer) |
forceCachedMode | protected | Set tor True to force cached (bitmap) type of drawing. (Inherited from TGIS_Layer) |
forViewer | protected | Viewer params are valid | |
FPagesCount | protected | Number of pages in an image file (TIF). | |
FParamsList | protected | List of parameters set (sections). (Inherited from TGIS_Layer) |
FParentLayer | protected | Parent layer. (Inherited from TGIS_Layer) |
FPath | protected | Layer path. (Inherited from TGIS_Layer) |
FPathTAB | protected | Path to TAB referencing file. | |
FPixelOperation | protected | Pixel operation event handle. | |
FPixelSize | protected | Size of one image pixel in layer units. | |
FProgressive | protected | If true (default) then layer can be drawn as progressive. | |
FProjectedExtent | protected | Precalculated projected extent. (Inherited from TGIS_Layer) |
FProjectedExtentBase | protected | Precalculated projected extent - Base extent (unprojected). (Inherited from TGIS_Layer) |
FProjectedExtentEPSG | protected | Precalculated projected extent - Layer CS Context. (Inherited from TGIS_Layer) |
FProjectedExtentRotationAngle | protected | Precalculated projected extent - Rotation context. (Inherited from TGIS_Layer) |
FProjectedExtentRotationPoint | protected | Precalculated projected extent - Rotation context. (Inherited from TGIS_Layer) |
FProjectedExtentViewerEPSG | protected | Precalculated projected extent - Viewer CS Context. (Inherited from TGIS_Layer) |
FRenderer | protected | Handle to a renderer used for drawing shapes. (Inherited from TGIS_Layer) |
fromBand | protected | Number of band used by function LockPixels. | |
FRotationAngle | protected | Rotation around image center. | |
FShadowAngle | protected | Shadow angle used for grid shadowing. | |
FStatistics | protected | Statistics engine. (Inherited from TGIS_Layer) |
FStream | protected | Reference to a potential layer underlying stream. (Inherited from TGIS_Layer) |
FSubFormat | protected | Current sub-format information. | |
FSubLayers | protected | Sub layers list. (Inherited from TGIS_Layer) |
FSubType | protected | Type of sublayer. (Inherited from TGIS_Layer) |
FSupportsAutoStyle | protected | Indicates whether the layer supports auto styling. (Inherited from TGIS_Layer) |
FSupportsTiledPaint | protected | Indicates whether the layer supports tiled paint. (Inherited from TGIS_Layer) |
FTag | protected | Tag value. (Inherited from TGIS_Layer) |
FTagInternal | protected | Internal Tag value. (Inherited from TGIS_Layer) |
FTagPointer | protected | Pointer Tag value (Inherited from TGIS_Layer) |
FTiledDrawMode | protected | If not None then the layer at the moment is drawn inside a basemap thread. (Inherited from TGIS_Layer) |
FTransform | protected | Custom transformation. (Inherited from TGIS_Layer) |
FTransparency | protected | Transparency value. (Inherited from TGIS_Layer) |
FUnSupportedOperations | protected | Set of operations not supported by a layer. (Inherited from TGIS_Layer) |
FUseConfig | protected | Is config file active? (Inherited from TGIS_Layer) |
FUserObject | protected | User object. (Inherited from TGIS_Layer) |
FViewer | protected | Reference to viewer object. (Inherited from TGIS_Layer) |
greenTransp | protected | List of transparent colors in Green channel. | |
gridCol | protected | To save last grid cell lines values}. | |
hisBlue | protected | Histograms for Blue channel. | |
hisGray | protected | Histograms for Gray channel.. | |
hisGreen | protected | Histograms for Green channel. | |
hisRed | protected | Histograms for Red channel. | |
importMode | protected | True if image will be imported; False by default. | |
inDraw | protected | True if layer paint procedure not yet complete. (Inherited from TGIS_Layer) |
internalRotation | protected | Rotation around image center | |
internalTransparentColor | protected | Native transparent color used in some layers | |
intLineWidth | protected | Internal line width of layer in bytes. | |
is48BitsPerPixel | protected | True if 48 bits per pixel | |
isBasicHistogram | protected | True if basic histogram exist. | |
isBGR | protected | True if image bands are saved as BGR . | |
isBitsString | protected | Image file data as bits string. | |
isBuilt | protected | Set when layer is new generated. | |
isColorNoDataGDAL | protected | No data color is defined. | |
isCorFullRGBblue | protected | Full RGB color mapping -red band. | |
isCorFullRGBgreen | protected | Full RGB color mapping -red band. | |
isCorFullRGBred | protected | Full RGB color mapping -red band. | |
isFromNet | protected | Reading image from net. | |
isGrayScaleImage | protected | True if image is gray scaled. | |
isHistogram | protected | True if histogram exist. | |
isInverted | protected | True if image is inverted. | |
isPartialTransparent | protected | True if alpha band is effective used. | |
isPlanar1 | protected | True when plannar configuration is 1; for false configuration is 2 | |
isShadow | protected | Should shadowing be used? | |
lineAlphaBuffer | protected | line buffer (line of bytes). | |
lockUsingNo | protected | Number of using LockPixels. | |
makeBlueMap | protected | True if image must be colorized by blue map; False by default. | |
makeColorsByVals | protected | True if image must be colorized by map; False by default. | |
makeFullRGBMap | protected | True if image must be colorized by full RGB map; False by default. | |
makeGrayMap | protected | True if image must be gray scaled by map; False by default. | |
makeGreenMap | protected | True if image must be colorized by green map; False by default. | |
makeRedMap | protected | True if image must be colorized by red map; False by default. | |
makeRGBMap | protected | True if image must be colorized by map; False by default. | |
makeSomeCorrection | protected | If any bitmap pixels changes is needed. | |
makeTransparent | protected | True if image must be transparent; False by default. | |
mapGray2RGB | protected | Gray mapping table. | |
mapRGB | protected | RGB color mapping. | |
memoryResident | protected | Layer created in memory. | |
mmzgbn | protected | Min max valid vor Gid Band number | |
modifiedMaxHeight | protected | MaxHeight is set by user. | |
modifiedMinHeight | protected | MinHeight is set by user. | |
oBand | protected | Single data locked Band of layer when band data are greater than 8-bits. | |
oBitmap | protected | ARGB data of generated (built) layer. | |
oGrid | protected | Grid data of generated (built) layer. | |
oLayer | protected | Layer used for data changing. | |
outCS | protected | Output CS used in transformation | |
paletteCpy | protected | Copy of bitmap palette | |
paramsCache | protected | List of prepared parameters. (Inherited from TGIS_Layer) |
paramsCacheUpdated | protected | If True, parameters are ready to render (Inherited from TGIS_Layer) |
prevShadowDelta | protected | Last shadow value. | |
prevShadowValue | protected | Last shadow value. | |
readableNo | protected | Number of using as readable LockPixels. | |
realBitCount | protected | Bits per pixel. | |
realLineWidth | protected | Line width of layer in bytes. | |
redTransp | protected | List of transparent colors in Red channel. | |
rgbAsGrid | protected | True if pixel image is forced to grid. | |
rotateCos | protected | Helper for rotations. | |
rotateSin | protected | Helper for rotations. | |
rotationPoint | protected | Central point of image | |
scaledHeight | protected | Used in scaling 2D | |
scaledWidth | protected | Used in scaling 2D | |
scaleX | protected | Horizontal scale factor. | |
scaleXFactor | protected | Scale X factor -1 when scaleX in World File is negative otherwise 1 | |
scaleY | protected | Vertical scale factor. | |
scaleYFactor | protected | Scale $ factor -1 when scaleY in World File is positive otherwise 1 | |
scxF_yRotDivScxRotDivSMcsyF | protected | scaleXFactor minus yRotDivSc multiplied by xRotDivSc and scaleYFactor | |
scyF_yRotDivScxRotDivSMcsxF | protected | scaleYFactor minus yRotDivSc multiplied by xRotDivSc and scaleXFactor | |
sizeShadow | protected | Approximate pixel size in meters. | |
srcGrid | protected | Original layer grid data | |
swapBW | protected | True if white and black are swapped. | |
tempFileName | protected | Temporary file name - for big data. | |
tempFileStream | protected | Temporary file - for big data. | |
testMask | protected | Used to convert to 24-bit format. | |
unrotateCos | protected | Helper for rotations. | |
unrotateSin | protected | Helper for rotations. | |
unusedAlpha | protected | True if unused alpha band | |
unusedBlue | protected | True if unused blue band | |
unusedGreen | protected | True if unused green band | |
unusedRed | protected | True if unused red band | |
useAltitudeZones | protected | True if single values are mapped to color values using altitude map zones | |
useColorRamp | protected | True if single values are mapped to color value using color ramp | |
View3D | public | 3D Representation properties. (Inherited from TGIS_Layer) |
wasTransform | protected | True if transformation was previously set. | |
wordDivider | protected | Used for mapping 16-bits band to 8-bits | |
wordMultiply | protected | Used for mapping 16-bits band to 8-bits | |
wordShift | protected | Used for mapping 16-bits band to 8-bits | |
workAlpha | protected | To work on alpha data. | |
workDestRect | protected | To save last draw destination parameters. | |
workSrcRect | protected | To save last draw source parameters. | |
xRotDivSc | protected | rotation about x-axis divided by scaleY | |
yRotDivSc | protected | rotation about y-axis divided by scaleY | |