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TGIS_LayerPixel fields


Inherited Protected
Name Visibility Description
activeTransform protected True when Transform is assigned with Active flag set on True.
alphaAssociated protected Image with associated alpha data.
alphaBuffer protected Alpha data buffer.
altitudeZones protected Table with altitude zones
assignedColorRamp protected increase coloring performance by storing Params.Pixel.ColorRamp property
asWritable protected LockPixels used as writable.
bandMask protected From function LockPixels on band.
bandsDefinition protected Band definition.
bandsMap protected Numbers of bands using as red, green, blue and alpha
baseCellHeight protected To restore CellHeight after transformation.
baseCellWidth protected To restore CellWidth after transformation.
baseProjectedExtent protected Helper for rotations.
baseRotation protected Rotation from World file
bigEndian protected Byte order from most significant to least significant.
bitPalette protected Bitmap palette (must follow infoHeader).
bitsPerBand protected Bits per pixel for each band
bitsPerPixel protected Total bits count per pixel (for uncompressed data)
bitsSkipLeft protected Bits to skio on lfet for each band
bitsSkipRight protected Bits to skio on right for each band
blueTransp protected List of transparent colors in Blue channel.
bytesPerBand protected Bytes per pixel for each band
bytesPerPixel protected Summary number bytes per pixel for all bands
cntrRotFactX protected Auxiliary x factor
cntrRotFactY protected Auxiliary y factor
cntrRotX protected Center of rotation x
cntrRotY protected Center of rotation y
colorNoData protected Color used for not defined data.
colorsNo protected Number of colors in palette
corFullRGB protected Full RGB color mapping.
corRGB protected Color correction.
defaultPartialTransparent protected Default using of alpha band.
dstGrid protected Manipulated grid data
extZoom protected Used for importing grid (with association to setFileScale).
extZoomX protected Used for importing grid (with association to setFileScaleXY).
extZoomY protected Used for importing grid (with association to setFileScaleXY).
FActive protected Is layer active?
(Inherited from TGIS_Layer)
FAddition protected Addition value.
(Inherited from TGIS_Layer)
FAge protected Age of the layer.
(Inherited from TGIS_Layer)
FAntialias protected Antialias scaling (for some layers only like PNG and JPG)
FAntialiasFilter protected Scaling filter (like Linear, Lanczos) to be used for scaling images and grids.
FBandsCount protected Number of bands in file.
FBasemap protected True if the layer is interpreted as basemap.
(Inherited from TGIS_Layer)
FBasemapDraw protected If True, the layer at the moment is drawn inside a basemap thread.
(Inherited from TGIS_Layer)
FBitHeight protected Height of a layer in pixels.
FBitmapFormat protected Actual bitmap format - ARGB available now .
FBitmapLinesOrder protected Actual lines order - Down available now.
FBitWidth protected Width of a layer in pixels.
FCachedPaint protected False if layer must be painted directly (bypassing cache).
(Inherited from TGIS_Layer)
FCapabilities protected List of available image format in this layer (assigned with name extension).
FCaption protected Layer caption.
(Inherited from TGIS_Layer)
FCellHeight protected Height of a cell in pixels.
FCellWidth protected Width of a cell in pixels.
FCodePage protected Code Page in which text has been stored.
(Inherited from TGIS_Layer)
FCodePageForced protected Code Page forced by project file or property setting.
(Inherited from TGIS_Layer)
FCollapsed protected Is layer collapsed?
(Inherited from TGIS_Layer)
FComments protected Additional comments.
(Inherited from TGIS_Layer)
FConfigFile protected Configuration file handle.
(Inherited from TGIS_Layer)
FConfigFile2 protected Configuration file handle.
(Inherited from TGIS_Layer)
FConfigName protected Configuration file name.
(Inherited from TGIS_Layer)
FCS protected Projection object.
(Inherited from TGIS_Layer)
FCurrentPage protected Current page i image file (TIF).
FCustomData protected List of custom data.
(Inherited from TGIS_Layer)
FCuttingPolygon protected Cutting polygon
FDormantMode protected Dormant mode for the layer.
(Inherited from TGIS_Layer)
FDriver protected Layer driver.
(Inherited from TGIS_Layer)
FExtent protected Layer extent.
(Inherited from TGIS_Layer)
FExtent3D protected Layer extent 3D.
(Inherited from TGIS_Layer)
FFileCopyright protected Additional textual information about layer copyright.
(Inherited from TGIS_Layer)
FFileInfo protected Additional textual information about the layer such as compression, number of pixels, copyright etc.
(Inherited from TGIS_Layer)
FForcedBandsDefinition protected Forced BandsDefinition.
FGridBand protected Band number in file used as grid band.
FGridOperation protected Grid operation event handle.
FHideFromLegend protected True if layer should not be visible in a legend.
(Inherited from TGIS_Layer)
fileStream protected Bitmap file stream.
FInPaint protected True if the layer upon paint process.
(Inherited from TGIS_Layer)
FInterpretation protected Forced layer interpretation.
FIsContrastEnhanced protected True if image has automatically enhanced contrast.
FIsGridImage protected True if image is grid type.
FIsLocked protected True if layer is in locked state Lock.
(Inherited from TGIS_Layer)
FIsModified protected True if structure (field, geometry etc) was modified.
(Inherited from TGIS_Layer)
FIsNativeGridImage protected True if image is really grid type.
FIsOpened protected True if layer was opened.
(Inherited from TGIS_Layer)
FIsPrepared protected True if layer was opened.
(Inherited from TGIS_Layer)
FIsReadOnly protected Read only flag.
(Inherited from TGIS_Layer)
FIsTiled protected True if layer is tiled.
FMaxThresholdZ protected Maximum threshold of the grid elevation value to display.
FMaxTileSize protected Maximum allowed tile size for the layer.
(Inherited from TGIS_Layer)
FMaxZ protected Maximum elevation value in grid file.
FMinThresholdZ protected Minimum threshold of the grid elevation value to display.
FMinZ protected Minimum elevation value in grid file.
FMultiUserMode protected Multiuser mode.
(Inherited from TGIS_Layer)
FName protected Layer name.
(Inherited from TGIS_Layer)
FNoDataColor protected Color property to define default color to be used to fill "empty" area upon PixelExportManager.
FNoDataValue protected Value in the grid file assigned to cells whose value in unknown
FOnBusy protected Busy event.
(Inherited from TGIS_Layer)
FOnPaintLayer protected PaintLayer event.
(Inherited from TGIS_Layer)
FOnPassword protected Will be fired upon opening layer to resolve any username/password
(Inherited from TGIS_Layer)
FOnRead protected Will be fired upon each file Read request.
(Inherited from TGIS_Layer)
FOnWrite protected Will be fired upon each file Write request.
(Inherited from TGIS_Layer)
forceCachedMode protected Set tor True to force cached (bitmap) type of drawing.
(Inherited from TGIS_Layer)
forViewer protected Viewer params are valid
FPagesCount protected Number of pages in an image file (TIF).
FParamsList protected List of parameters set (sections).
(Inherited from TGIS_Layer)
FParentLayer protected Parent layer.
(Inherited from TGIS_Layer)
FPath protected Layer path.
(Inherited from TGIS_Layer)
FPathTAB protected Path to TAB referencing file.
FPixelOperation protected Pixel operation event handle.
FPixelSize protected Size of one image pixel in layer units.
FProgressive protected If true (default) then layer can be drawn as progressive.
FProjectedExtent protected Precalculated projected extent.
(Inherited from TGIS_Layer)
FProjectedExtentBase protected Precalculated projected extent - Base extent (unprojected).
(Inherited from TGIS_Layer)
FProjectedExtentEPSG protected Precalculated projected extent - Layer CS Context.
(Inherited from TGIS_Layer)
FProjectedExtentRotationAngle protected Precalculated projected extent - Rotation context.
(Inherited from TGIS_Layer)
FProjectedExtentRotationPoint protected Precalculated projected extent - Rotation context.
(Inherited from TGIS_Layer)
FProjectedExtentViewerEPSG protected Precalculated projected extent - Viewer CS Context.
(Inherited from TGIS_Layer)
FRenderer protected Handle to a renderer used for drawing shapes.
(Inherited from TGIS_Layer)
fromBand protected Number of band used by function LockPixels.
FRotationAngle protected Rotation around image center.
FShadowAngle protected Shadow angle used for grid shadowing.
FStatistics protected Statistics engine.
(Inherited from TGIS_Layer)
FStream protected Reference to a potential layer underlying stream.
(Inherited from TGIS_Layer)
FSubFormat protected Current sub-format information.
FSubLayers protected Sub layers list.
(Inherited from TGIS_Layer)
FSubType protected Type of sublayer.
(Inherited from TGIS_Layer)
FSupportsAutoStyle protected Indicates whether the layer supports auto styling.
(Inherited from TGIS_Layer)
FSupportsTiledPaint protected Indicates whether the layer supports tiled paint.
(Inherited from TGIS_Layer)
FTag protected Tag value.
(Inherited from TGIS_Layer)
FTagInternal protected Internal Tag value.
(Inherited from TGIS_Layer)
FTagPointer protected Pointer Tag value
(Inherited from TGIS_Layer)
FTiledDrawMode protected If not None then the layer at the moment is drawn inside a basemap thread.
(Inherited from TGIS_Layer)
FTransform protected Custom transformation.
(Inherited from TGIS_Layer)
FTransparency protected Transparency value.
(Inherited from TGIS_Layer)
FUnSupportedOperations protected Set of operations not supported by a layer.
(Inherited from TGIS_Layer)
FUseConfig protected Is config file active?
(Inherited from TGIS_Layer)
FUserObject protected User object.
(Inherited from TGIS_Layer)
FViewer protected Reference to viewer object.
(Inherited from TGIS_Layer)
greenTransp protected List of transparent colors in Green channel.
gridCol protected To save last grid cell lines values}.
hisBlue protected Histograms for Blue channel.
hisGray protected Histograms for Gray channel..
hisGreen protected Histograms for Green channel.
hisRed protected Histograms for Red channel.
importMode protected True if image will be imported; False by default.
inDraw protected True if layer paint procedure not yet complete.
(Inherited from TGIS_Layer)
internalRotation protected Rotation around image center
internalTransparentColor protected Native transparent color used in some layers
intLineWidth protected Internal line width of layer in bytes.
is48BitsPerPixel protected True if 48 bits per pixel
isBasicHistogram protected True if basic histogram exist.
isBGR protected True if image bands are saved as BGR .
isBitsString protected Image file data as bits string.
isBuilt protected Set when layer is new generated.
isColorNoDataGDAL protected No data color is defined.
isCorFullRGBblue protected Full RGB color mapping -red band.
isCorFullRGBgreen protected Full RGB color mapping -red band.
isCorFullRGBred protected Full RGB color mapping -red band.
isFromNet protected Reading image from net.
isGrayScaleImage protected True if image is gray scaled.
isHistogram protected True if histogram exist.
isInverted protected True if image is inverted.
isPartialTransparent protected True if alpha band is effective used.
isPlanar1 protected True when plannar configuration is 1; for false configuration is 2
isShadow protected Should shadowing be used?
lineAlphaBuffer protected line buffer (line of bytes).
lockUsingNo protected Number of using LockPixels.
makeBlueMap protected True if image must be colorized by blue map; False by default.
makeColorsByVals protected True if image must be colorized by map; False by default.
makeFullRGBMap protected True if image must be colorized by full RGB map; False by default.
makeGrayMap protected True if image must be gray scaled by map; False by default.
makeGreenMap protected True if image must be colorized by green map; False by default.
makeRedMap protected True if image must be colorized by red map; False by default.
makeRGBMap protected True if image must be colorized by map; False by default.
makeSomeCorrection protected If any bitmap pixels changes is needed.
makeTransparent protected True if image must be transparent; False by default.
mapGray2RGB protected Gray mapping table.
mapRGB protected RGB color mapping.
memoryResident protected Layer created in memory.
mmzgbn protected Min max valid vor Gid Band number
modifiedMaxHeight protected MaxHeight is set by user.
modifiedMinHeight protected MinHeight is set by user.
oBand protected Single data locked Band of layer when band data are greater than 8-bits.
oBitmap protected ARGB data of generated (built) layer.
oGrid protected Grid data of generated (built) layer.
oLayer protected Layer used for data changing.
outCS protected Output CS used in transformation
paletteCpy protected Copy of bitmap palette
paramsCache protected List of prepared parameters.
(Inherited from TGIS_Layer)
paramsCacheUpdated protected If True, parameters are ready to render
(Inherited from TGIS_Layer)
prevShadowDelta protected Last shadow value.
prevShadowValue protected Last shadow value.
readableNo protected Number of using as readable LockPixels.
realBitCount protected Bits per pixel.
realLineWidth protected Line width of layer in bytes.
redTransp protected List of transparent colors in Red channel.
rgbAsGrid protected True if pixel image is forced to grid.
rotateCos protected Helper for rotations.
rotateSin protected Helper for rotations.
rotationPoint protected Central point of image
scaledHeight protected Used in scaling 2D
scaledWidth protected Used in scaling 2D
scaleX protected Horizontal scale factor.
scaleXFactor protected Scale X factor -1 when scaleX in World File is negative otherwise 1
scaleY protected Vertical scale factor.
scaleYFactor protected Scale $ factor -1 when scaleY in World File is positive otherwise 1
scxF_yRotDivScxRotDivSMcsyF protected scaleXFactor minus yRotDivSc multiplied by xRotDivSc and scaleYFactor
scyF_yRotDivScxRotDivSMcsxF protected scaleYFactor minus yRotDivSc multiplied by xRotDivSc and scaleXFactor
sizeShadow protected Approximate pixel size in meters.
srcGrid protected Original layer grid data
swapBW protected True if white and black are swapped.
tempFileName protected Temporary file name - for big data.
tempFileStream protected Temporary file - for big data.
testMask protected Used to convert to 24-bit format.
unrotateCos protected Helper for rotations.
unrotateSin protected Helper for rotations.
unusedAlpha protected True if unused alpha band
unusedBlue protected True if unused blue band
unusedGreen protected True if unused green band
unusedRed protected True if unused red band
useAltitudeZones protected True if single values are mapped to color values using altitude map zones
useColorRamp protected True if single values are mapped to color value using color ramp
View3D public 3D Representation properties.
(Inherited from TGIS_Layer)
wasTransform protected True if transformation was previously set.
wordDivider protected Used for mapping 16-bits band to 8-bits
wordMultiply protected Used for mapping 16-bits band to 8-bits
wordShift protected Used for mapping 16-bits band to 8-bits
workAlpha protected To work on alpha data.
workDestRect protected To save last draw destination parameters.
workSrcRect protected To save last draw source parameters.
xRotDivSc protected rotation about x-axis divided by scaleY
yRotDivSc protected rotation about y-axis divided by scaleY

2025/01/31 01:07

Page Tools