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TGIS_LayerPixel.ImportLayer(TGIS_LayerPixel; TGIS_Extent; TGIS_CSCoordinateSystem; Cardinal; Cardinal) method

DK for Delphi | GisLayerPixel.TGIS_LayerPixel.ImportLayer | Overloads | Constructors | Fields | Methods | Properties | Events

Imports layer from an existing pixel layer. Use this method to import a layer. To do this, simply create a new layer, choose a layer to import from and use ImportLayer method of with proper parameters.

Available also on: .NET | Java | ActiveX | Python.


// Delphi
  procedure ImportLayer(
    const _layer : TGIS_LayerPixel;
    const _extent : TGIS_Extent;
    const _cs : TGIS_CSCoordinateSystem;
    const _width : Cardinal;
    const _height : Cardinal
  ); overload; virtual;
// C++ Builder
  virtual void ImportLayer(
    TGIS_LayerPixel* const _layer,
    TGIS_Extent* const _extent,
    TGIS_CSCoordinateSystem* const _cs,
    const unsigned _width,
    const unsigned _height
  ) /* overload */;


Name Type Description
_layer TGIS_LayerPixel layer to be exported from
_extent TGIS_Extent extent to be exported
_cs TGIS_CSCoordinateSystem coordinate system to be exported
_width Cardinal bit width of a layer; if 0 then _height will be used as to calculate
_height Cardinal bit height of a layer; if 0 then _width will be used as to calculate


2025/01/31 01:07

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