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TGIS_IsochroneMap.Generate method

DK11 for Delphi | GisIsochroneMap.TGIS_IsochroneMap.Generate | Constructors | Methods | Properties

Finds the network area reachable within a given cost and outputs the result to the destination layer as shape(s).

Available also on: .NET | Java | ActiveX | Python.


// Delphi
  function Generate(
    const _src : TGIS_LayerVector;
    const _spath : TGIS_ShortestPath;
    const _dst : TGIS_LayerVector;
    const _type : TGIS_ShapeType;
    const _start : TGIS_Point;
    const _cost : Double;
    const _intrvl : Double
  ) : Boolean;
// C++ Builder
  bool Generate(
    TGIS_LayerVector* const _src,
    TGIS_ShortestPath* const _spath,
    TGIS_LayerVector* const _dst,
    TGIS_ShapeType* const _type,
    TGIS_Point* const _start,
    const double _cost,
    const double _intrvl


Name Type Description
_src TGIS_LayerVector source layer which contains the network
_spath TGIS_ShortestPath shortest path object for the source layer
_dst TGIS_LayerVector destination layer
_type TGIS_ShapeType output shape type
_start TGIS_Point starting point; if not a network node then the nearest network node will be used as the starting point
_cost Double maximum cost of traversing the network
_intrvl Double cost interval; only the first node which exceeds each interval will be added to the output


Type Description
Boolean True if the operation went successful


Choosing each output shape type will yield different result:

  • point - reachable network nodes as separate shapes,
  • multipoint - reachable network nodes as one shape,
  • arc - reachable network links as separate shapes,
  • polygon - concave hull of the reachable network.


2022/11/16 01:18

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