DK11 for Delphi | GisEditor.TGIS_Editor | Constructors | Methods | Properties | Events | Events
Name | Visibility | Description | |
BlockSnapping | public | If True, block snapping operations during adding points. (Implements IGIS_Editor.BlockSnapping) |
CanRedo | public | If True, redo buffer is not empty. (Implements IGIS_Editor.CanRedo) |
CanUndo | public | If True, undo buffer is not empty. (Implements IGIS_Editor.CanUndo) |
CurrentShape | public | Currently edited shape. (Implements IGIS_Editor.CurrentShape) |
EditingEdgeLengthsStyle | published | Edges lengths style. (Implements IGIS_Editor.EditingEdgeLengthsStyle) |
EditingLinesStyle | published | Editing lines style. (Implements IGIS_Editor.EditingLinesStyle) |
EditingPointsStyle | published | Editing points style. (Implements IGIS_Editor.EditingPointsStyle) |
EditorMode | published | Determines how new vertices are created relative to existing vertices. (Implements IGIS_Editor.EditorMode) |
InEdit | public | If True, editing is active. (Implements IGIS_Editor.InEdit) |
Layer | public | Layer that holds the shape being currently edited. (Implements IGIS_Editor.Layer) |
MinMove | published | Minimal mouse movement to perform a change. (Implements IGIS_Editor.MinMove) |
Mode | public | Mode of edition. (Implements IGIS_Editor.Mode) |
MustRedraw | public | True if editor should be redraw. (Implements IGIS_Editor.MustRedraw) |
Part | public | Part number of currently edited shape. (Implements IGIS_Editor.Part) |
Point | public | Access to individual points in a part. (Implements IGIS_Editor.Point) |
PointCount | public | Number of points in the current part of the currently edited shape. (Implements IGIS_Editor.PointCount) |
PointerMode | public | Pointer mode ( mouse, touch or pen ). (Implements IGIS_Editor.PointerMode) |
PointPos | public | Position of the currently edited point. (Implements IGIS_Editor.PointPos) |
SelectTolerance | published | Distance tolerance of vertices selection. (Implements IGIS_Editor.SelectTolerance) |
SelectTolerancePen | published | Distance tolerance of vertices selection upon pen gesture. (Implements IGIS_Editor.SelectTolerancePen) |
SelectToleranceTouch | published | Distance tolerance of vertices selection upon touch gesture. (Implements IGIS_Editor.SelectToleranceTouch) |
ShowDraggingTrack | published | Show dragging track upon point move. (Implements IGIS_Editor.ShowDraggingTrack) |
ShowEdgesLengths | published | If True, show edges lengths from vertex to vertex. (Implements IGIS_Editor.ShowEdgesLengths) |
ShowPoints3D | published | If True, show the Z coordinates for the vertices. (Implements IGIS_Editor.ShowPoints3D) |
ShowPointsNumbers | published | If True, show the vertex numbers. (Implements IGIS_Editor.ShowPointsNumbers) |
ShowTracking | published | If True, show vertices to trace from a shape in the snap-to layer. (Implements IGIS_Editor.ShowTracking) |
SnapGridSpacing | published | The spacing of the grid to which points will be snapped. (Implements IGIS_Editor.SnapGridSpacing) |
SnapLayer | public | Layer containing geometry to which edited points will be snapped. (Implements IGIS_Editor.SnapLayer) |
SnapMargin | published | The distance tolerance from the snap-to feature for a snap to occur. (Implements IGIS_Editor.SnapMargin) |
SnapToIntersection | published | If True, enable snap to the point of intersections between shapes. (Implements IGIS_Editor.SnapToIntersection) |
SnapType | published | Snap type - how to snap to a vertex or segment. (Implements IGIS_Editor.SnapType) |
Uid | public | Uid of currently edited shape or -1. (Implements IGIS_Editor.Uid) |
Viewer | public | Viewer on which editor has been created. (Implements IGIS_Editor.Viewer) |
ViewerEnabled | published | Set to true if Editor Mode is enabled in a TGIS_ViewerWnd. (Implements IGIS_Editor.ViewerEnabled) |