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TGIS_LayerAddFieldEvent prototype

DK for Delphi | GisDb.TGIS_LayerAddFieldEvent | Enums | Classes | Prototypes

On add new field event.

Available also on: .NET | Java.


// Delphi
  TGIS_LayerAddFieldEvent = procedure (
    const _uidname : String;
    const _name : String;
    const _type : TGIS_FieldType;
    const _width : Integer;
    const _decimal : Integer;
    const _saved : Boolean = True;
    const _binary : Integer = 0
  ) of object;
// C++ Builder
typedef void (_closure *TGIS_LayerAddFieldEvent)(
  const UnicodeString _uidname,
  const UnicodeString _name,
  TGIS_FieldType* const _type,
  const int _width,
  const int _decimal,
  const bool _saved,
  const int _binary


Name Type Description
_uidname String name of UID field
_name String name of field to be added
_type TGIS_FieldType type of field
_width Integer width of field
_decimal Integer decimal places
_saved Boolean True, if field exist in an original file
_binary Integer binary width (used only for TAB/DAT files)
2025/01/31 01:06

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