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TGIS_CSProjParametersInternal record

DK for Delphi | GisCsProjections.TGIS_CSProjParametersInternal | Records | Properties

Projection parameters. Memory optimized version.

Available also on: .NET | Java | ActiveX | Python.


// Delphi
  TGIS_CSProjParametersInternal = record
// C++ Builder
struct DECLSPEC_DRECORD TGIS_CSProjParametersInternal


Inherited Protected
Name Visibility Description
All public Full record of parameters.
Azimuth public Azimuth angle.
CentralMeridian public Central Meridian.
Custom1 public Custom1. Valid and specific for selected projections.
Custom1Name public Custom1Name.
Custom2 public Custom2. Valid and specific for selected projections.
Custom2Name public Custom2Name.
Custom3 public Custom3. Valid and specific for selected projections.
Custom3Name public Custom3Name.
Custom4 public Custom4. Valid and specific for selected projections.
Custom4Name public Custom4Name.
Custom5 public Custom5. Valid and specific for selected projections.
Custom5Name public Custom1Name.
Custom6 public Custom6. Valid and specific for selected projections.
Custom6Name public Custom6Name.
FalseEasting public False shift in meters.
FalseNorthing public False shift in meters.
LatitudeOfCenter public Center Latitude.
LatitudeOfOrigin public Origin latitude.
LatitudeOfPoint_1 public Latitude of the first point.
LatitudeOfPoint_2 public Latitude of the second point.
LongitudeOfCenter public Center Longitude.
LongitudeOfPoint_1 public Longitude of the first point.
LongitudeOfPoint_2 public Longitude of the second point.
PseudoStandardParallel_1 public First Pseudo Standard parallel.
ScaleFactor public Scale factor.
StandardParallel_1 public First Standard parallel.
StandardParallel_2 public Second Standard parallel.
XScale public X Scale. Valid for selected projections.
XYPlaneRotation public XY Rotation.
YScale public Y Scale. Valid for selected projections.
Zone public Zone. Valid for selected projections.


For internal purposes mainly due to record incompatibility with C++Builder.

2025/01/31 01:06

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