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TGIS_ParamsArea class

DK11 for ActiveX | TatukGIS_XDK11.TGIS_ParamsArea | Classes | Methods | Properties

Parameters that are common for Areas.

Available also on: Delphi | .NET | Java | Python.


// C#
public class TGIS_ParamsArea : ITGIS_ParamsArea 
' VisualBasic
Public Class TGIS_ParamsArea
  Implements ITGIS_ParamsArea
End Class
// Oxygene
  TGIS_ParamsArea = public class



Inherited Overrides Protected
Name Visibility Description
AttachDelphiObj public Only for internal use of TatukGIS.
(Inherited from ITBaseObject)
CreateCopy public Make a copy of the object.
(Inherited from ITGIS_ParamsAbstract)
DelphiObj public Only for internal use of TatukGIS.
(Inherited from ITBaseObject)
GetRoot public Get root element from params list.
(Inherited from ITGIS_ParamsSpecific)
IsModified public Indicates whether the initial serial was modified (Params was touched).
(Inherited from ITGIS_ParamsAbstract)
LoadFromConfig public Load parameters from the configuration file.
(Inherited from ITGIS_ParamsAbstract)
LoadFromStrings public Load parameters from a list of strings.
(Inherited from ITGIS_ParamsSpecific)
ResetSerial public Reset serial numer conter.
(Inherited from ITGIS_ParamsAbstract)
SaveToConfig public Save parameters into the configuration file.
(Inherited from ITGIS_ParamsAbstract)
SaveToStrings public Save parameters into a list of strings.
(Inherited from ITGIS_ParamsSpecific)
SizeHelper public Helper for safe scaling size feature even if feature is auto-scaled.
(Inherited from ITGIS_ParamsFeature)
Touch public Touch the object by incrementing Serial number.
(Inherited from ITGIS_ParamsAbstract)


Inherited Protected
Name Visibility Description
Bitmap public Interior bitmap.
(Inherited from ITGIS_ParamsFeature)
Color public Interior color.
(Inherited from ITGIS_ParamsFeature)
ColorAsText public Color. Grouping as a text property all properties that affect Color presentation like Color or ColorEx.Uses AsText parameter syntax.
(Inherited from ITGIS_ParamsFeature)
OffsetPosition public Offset position to assign positive or negative sign for OffsetX and OffsetY.Uses AsText parameter syntax.
(Inherited from ITGIS_ParamsFeature)
OffsetX public Offset for drawing a shape.
(Inherited from ITGIS_ParamsFeature)
OffsetXAsText public Offset for drawing a shape.
(Inherited from ITGIS_ParamsFeature)
OffsetY public Offset for drawing a shape.
(Inherited from ITGIS_ParamsFeature)
OffsetYAsText public Offset for drawing a shape.
(Inherited from ITGIS_ParamsFeature)
OutlineBackcolor public Outline backcolor; used for dash styles.
(Inherited from ITGIS_ParamsFeature)
OutlineBitmap public Outline bitmap.
(Inherited from ITGIS_ParamsFeature)
OutlineColor public Outline color.
(Inherited from ITGIS_ParamsFeature)
OutlineColorAsText public OutlineColor.
(Inherited from ITGIS_ParamsFeature)
OutlinePattern public Outline pattern.
(Inherited from ITGIS_ParamsFeature)
OutlinePatternAsText public Outline pattern.
(Inherited from ITGIS_ParamsFeature)
OutlineStyle public Outline style.
(Inherited from ITGIS_ParamsFeature)
OutlineStyleAsText public OutlineStyle.
(Inherited from ITGIS_ParamsFeature)
OutlineSymbol public Symbol used for drawing an outline.
OutlineSymbolGap public Symbol gap (spacing) used for drawing an outline.
OutlineSymbolGapAsText public OutlineSymbolGap.
OutlineSymbolRotate public Symbol rotation, in radians, used for drawing an outline.
OutlineSymbolRotateAsText public OutlineSymbolRotate.
OutlineWidth public Outline width.
(Inherited from ITGIS_ParamsFeature)
OutlineWidthAsText public OutlineWidth.
(Inherited from ITGIS_ParamsFeature)
Pattern public Interior pattern.
(Inherited from ITGIS_ParamsFeature)
PatternAsText public Pattern. Grouping as a text property all properties that affect Outline presentation like Symbol, Bitmap or Style.Uses AsText parameter syntax.
(Inherited from ITGIS_ParamsFeature)
Serial public Serial number updated after any property change.
(Inherited from ITGIS_ParamsAbstract)
Shape public Shape associated with parameter (if any) belongs.
(Inherited from ITGIS_ParamsSpecific)
ShowLegend public Show feature in legend component?
(Inherited from ITGIS_ParamsFeature)
SmartSize public Default minimum bounding box size which is to be visible (>0 in twips, <0 in pixels).
(Inherited from ITGIS_ParamsFeature)
SmartSizeAsText public Smart Size.
(Inherited from ITGIS_ParamsFeature)
Symbol public Symbol used for drawing an interior.
SymbolGap public Symbol gap (spacing) used for drawing an interior.
SymbolGapAsText public SymbolGap. Grouping as a text property all properties that affect SymbolGap presentation and represent sizes in a human readable form like '10pt', '3in'.Uses AsText parameter syntax.
SymbolRotate public Symbol rotation, in radians, used for drawing an interior.
SymbolRotateAsText public SymbolRotate.
SymbolSize public Symbol size used for drawing an interior.
SymbolSizeAsText public SymbolSize.
UserObject public UserObject can be used to associate with Params a user-defined object.
(Inherited from ITGIS_ParamsAbstract)


2024/12/20 22:15

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