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ITGIS_Tokenizer interface

DK11 for ActiveX | TatukGIS_XDK11.ITGIS_Tokenizer | Interfaces | Methods | Properties

A simple tokenizer for parameters line splitting.

Available also on: Delphi | .NET | Java | ActiveX | Python.


// C#
public interface ITGIS_Tokenizer: ITBaseObject
' VisualBasic
Public Interface ITGIS_Tokenizer
  Implements ITBaseObject
End Class
// Oxygene
  ITGIS_Tokenizer = public interface( ITBaseObject )



Inherited Overrides Protected
Name Visibility Description
AttachDelphiObj public Only for internal use of TatukGIS.
(Inherited from ITBaseObject)
CurrentToken public Get a token at current Result list position.
DelphiObj public Only for internal use of TatukGIS.
(Inherited from ITBaseObject)
Eof public Is a token on the last Result list position.
Execute public Do tokenizing.
ExecuteEx public Do tokenizing of simple stream like "aaaa","aaaa",123,"aaaa".
ExecuteEx_2 public Do tokenizing of simple stream like "aaaa","aaaa",123,"aaaa".
ExecuteEx_3 public Do tokenizing of simple stream like "aaaa","aaaa",123,"aaaa".
Execute_2 public Do tokenizing.
MoveFirst public Move to the first token of Result list.
MoveNext public Move to the next token of Result list.


Inherited Protected
Name Visibility Description
CurrentIndex public Current index value.
Result public String list on which each element represent each token.

2024/12/20 22:16

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