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ITGIS_ParamsSection properties


Inherited Protected
Name Visibility Description
FalseZ public Z coordinate offset (for 3D mode); Default is 0.
FalseZAsText public FalseZ. Grouping as a text property all properties that affect FalseZ presentation.Uses AsText parameter syntax.
InternalIndex public Only for internal use of TatukGIS.
Legend public Text for caption in legend component.
MaxLevel public Ending visibility level.
MaxScale public Ending visibility zoom.
MaxZoom public Ending visibility zoom; if positive, then value refers to pixels; If negative then value refers to twips (1/1440 of inch).
MinLevel public Starting visibility level.
MinScale public Starting visibility zoom.
MinZoom public Starting visibility zoom; if positive, then value refers to pixels; If negative then value refers to twips (1/1440 of inch).
NormalizedZ public If not Off then Z coordinated scaling should be normalized according to viewer size.
ScaleZ public Z coordinate scaling (for 3D mode); Default is 1.
Serial public Serial number updated after any property change.
(Inherited from ITGIS_ParamsAbstract)
Shape public assigned shape if parameter is on a shape level; nil if parameter is on a layer level.
Style public Style name.
UserObject public UserObject can be used to associate with Params a user-defined object.
(Inherited from ITGIS_ParamsAbstract)
Visible public Checks whether a layer section is visible.

2022/04/27 01:08

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