DK11 for ActiveX | TatukGIS_XDK11.ITGIS_LayerPixel | Interfaces | Methods | Properties
Encapsulation of a common image layer - abstract class.
// C# public interface ITGIS_LayerPixel: ITGIS_Layer { }
' VisualBasic Public Interface ITGIS_LayerPixel Implements ITGIS_Layer End Class
// Oxygene type ITGIS_LayerPixel = public interface( ITGIS_Layer ) end;
Name | Visibility | Description | |
Alive | public | Makes a layer non-dormant. (Inherited from ITGIS_Layer) |
ApplyAntialiasSettings | public | Applies antialias settings used in scaling operations. | |
ApplyAntialiasSettings_2 | public | Applies antialias settings used in scaling operations. | |
ApplyAutoStyle | public | Applies auto-styling to the layer. (Inherited from ITGIS_Layer) |
ApplyCuttingPolygon | public | Sets a cutting polygon for a layer. (Inherited from ITGIS_Layer) |
AssignedParentLayerInternal | public | Assigns a parent layer. | |
AttachDelphiObj | public | Only for internal use of TatukGIS. (Inherited from ITBaseObject) |
Build | public | Builds an in-memory layer. | |
Build_2 | public | Builds a layer. | |
Build_3 | public | Builds an image layer. | |
Build_4 | public | Builds an in-memory layer. | |
Build_5 | public | Builds a layer. | |
Build_6 | public | Builds an image layer. | |
ChangeHash | public | Changes the hash for the purpose of verifying layer's modifications. (Inherited from ITGIS_Layer) |
ClearModified | public | Sets IsModified flag to false for a layer and its sublayers. (Inherited from ITGIS_Layer) |
DelphiObj | public | Only for internal use of TatukGIS. (Inherited from ITBaseObject) |
Dormant | public | Makes a layer dormant. (Inherited from ITGIS_Layer) |
DormantGain | public | Calculates the approximate gain (in Megabytes) which can be achieved by releasing memory by calling Dormant method. (Inherited from ITGIS_Layer) |
Draw | public | Draws a layer. (Inherited from ITGIS_Layer) |
DrawEx | public | Draws a layer within a defined extent. (Inherited from ITGIS_Layer) |
DrawFlash | public | Draws a flash. (Inherited from ITGIS_Layer) |
DrawSelected | public | Draws only the selected item(s) on layer. (Inherited from ITGIS_Layer) |
DrawSelectedEx | public | Draws only the selected item(s) on layer that are within a defined extent. (Inherited from ITGIS_Layer) |
ExportLayer | public | Export layer. | |
FinalizeWrite | public | Performs any operation required to safely finalize write operation, such as building quad trees for TGIS_FilePixelStore. | |
ForEachSubLayer | public | Returns in callback event the layer and all sublayers belonging to it. (Inherited from ITGIS_Layer) |
GenerateRamp | public | Generates a grid ramp. | |
GenerateRampEx | public | Generates a grid ramp from a mapped color array. | |
GenerateRampEx_2 | public | Generates a grid ramp from a mapped color array. | |
GenerateRamp_2 | public | Generates a grid ramp. | |
GetAltitudeMapZone | public | Gets an altitude zone map definition. | |
GetAvailableLayers | public | Gets a list of layers available in storage. (Inherited from ITGIS_Layer) |
GetBitmap | public | Fills provided _bitmap array with values defined by _extent. | |
GetColorRamp | public | Calculates default color ramp RGB values. | |
GetGrid | public | Fills provided _grid array with values defined by _extent. | |
GetRawBitmap | public | Fills provided _bitmap array with values defined by _extent. | |
GetSubLayer | public | Retrieve the layer identified by a name. (Inherited from ITGIS_Layer) |
HourglassShake | public | Notifies of busy state using an hourglass. (Inherited from ITGIS_Layer) |
ImportLayer | public | Imports layer from an existing pixel layer. | |
ImportLayer_2 | public | Imports layer from an existing pixel layer. | |
ImportLayer_3 | public | Imports layer from an existing pixel layer. | |
InitializeWrite | public | Performs any operation required to safely initialize write operation, such as batch operations for TGIS_FilePixelStore. | |
IsGrid | public | Checks if the layer type is grid. (Inherited from ITGIS_Layer) |
IsPixel | public | Checks if the layer type is pixel. (Inherited from ITGIS_Layer) |
IsSupported | public | Checks if the operation is supported by the layer. (Inherited from ITGIS_Layer) |
IsVector | public | Checks if the layer type is vector. (Inherited from ITGIS_Layer) |
IsVector3D | public | Checks if the layer type is vector 3D. (Inherited from ITGIS_Layer) |
IsVisible | public | Checks if the layer is visible in a defined extent and current params. (Inherited from ITGIS_Layer) |
Locate | public | If a given point is located in the image area, returns true and sets variables. | |
LocateEx | public | If a given point is located in the image area, returns true and sets variables. | |
Lock | public | Locks layer in burst-mode operation. (Inherited from ITGIS_Layer) |
LockEstimate | public | Estimates memory size for pixel layer to be update. | |
LockPixels | public | Locks a fragment of the pixel layer for updating. | |
LockPixels_2 | public | Locks a fragment of the pixel layer for updating. | |
LockPixels_3 | public | Locks a fragment of the pixel layer for updating. | |
LockPixels_4 | public | Locks a fragment of the pixel layer for updating. | |
LockPixels_5 | public | Locks a fragment of the pixel layer for updating. | |
LockPixels_6 | public | Locks a fragment of the pixel layer for updating. | |
LockPixels_7 | public | Locks a fragment of the pixel layer for updating. | |
Loop | public | Prepares enumerator to iterate the layer through the linear shape. | |
Loop_2 | public | Prepares enumerator to iterate the layer (pixels are treated as points). | |
Loop_3 | public | Prepares enumerator to iterate the layer. | |
Loop_4 | public | Prepares enumerator to iterate the layer (pixels are treated as points). | |
Loop_5 | public | Prepares enumerator to iterate the layer through the linear shape. | |
Loop_6 | public | Prepares enumerator to iterate the layer. | |
Loop_7 | public | Prepares enumerator to iterate the layer (pixels are treated as points). | |
Loop_8 | public | Prepares enumerator to iterate the layer (pixels are treated as points). | |
MapColorValue | public | Maps color value to pixel color. | |
MapGridValue | public | Maps grid value to pixel color. | |
MapToRaster | public | Converts map coordinates to raster pixel location. | |
MapToRasterRect | public | Converts map extent to raster rectangle. | |
MergeLayer | public | Merge layer to an existing layer. | |
Move | public | Moves a layer up or down in the viewer zorder list. (Inherited from ITGIS_Layer) |
MoveEx | public | Moves a layer up or down in the viewer zorder list (only visible layers). (Inherited from ITGIS_Layer) |
MustCalculateStatistics | public | Verifies if all statistics required to properly render the layer are available. (Inherited from ITGIS_Layer) |
MustReproject | public | Checks if the layer must be reprojected. (Inherited from ITGIS_Layer) |
MustSave | public | Checks if the layer was modified by editing. (Inherited from ITGIS_Layer) |
Open | public | Opens the layer. (Inherited from ITGIS_Layer) |
Paint | public | Draws the layer or fires PaintLayer event (if defined). (Inherited from ITGIS_Layer) |
Prepare | public | Opens the layer. (Inherited from ITGIS_Layer) |
PreRecognize | public | Checks if the layer can read the file. (Inherited from ITGIS_Layer) |
Project | public | Applies a projection on the single point. (Inherited from ITGIS_Layer) |
Project3D | public | Applies a projection on the single point in 3D. (Inherited from ITGIS_Layer) |
Project3D_Ref | public | Applies a projection on the single point in 3D. (Inherited from ITGIS_Layer) |
ProjectExtent | public | Applies a projection on the extent. (Inherited from ITGIS_Layer) |
Project_Ref | public | Applies a projection on the single point. (Inherited from ITGIS_Layer) |
PutGrid | public | Puts _grid array into layer at the place defined by _extent. | |
RaiseBusyEvent | public | Fires Busy event of the layer. (Inherited from ITGIS_Layer) |
RaiseBusyPrepare | public | Fires BusyPrepare method of the assigned viewer. (Inherited from ITGIS_Layer) |
RaiseBusyRelease | public | Fires BusyRelease method of the assigned viewer. (Inherited from ITGIS_Layer) |
RaiseBusyShake | public | Fires BusyShake method of the assigned viewer. (Inherited from ITGIS_Layer) |
RasterToMap | public | Converts raster pixel location to map coordinates | |
RasterToMapRect | public | Convert raster rectangle to map extent | |
ReadConfig | public | Reads the layer configuration files. (Inherited from ITGIS_Layer) |
ReadConfigParam | public | Reads the layer configuration parameters. (Inherited from ITGIS_Layer) |
ReadGridLine | public | Reads a specific line of the grid into the preallocated buffer. | |
RecalcExtent | public | Recalculates extent based on real shapes. (Inherited from ITGIS_Layer) |
RecalcProjectedExtent | public | Recalculates a projected extent. (Inherited from ITGIS_Layer) |
Recalculate | public | Recalculates layer MinZ and MaxZ values. | |
ReOpen | public | Reopens the layer. (Inherited from ITGIS_Layer) |
RereadConfig | public | Rereads the layer configuration files. (Inherited from ITGIS_Layer) |
RevertAll | public | Reverts layer to its original content. (Inherited from ITGIS_Layer) |
RootLayer | public | Returns the absolute parent layer. (Inherited from ITGIS_Layer) |
SaveAll | public | Saves layer and destroys mirrored items. (Inherited from ITGIS_Layer) |
SaveData | public | Saves layer and destroys mirrored items. (Inherited from ITGIS_Layer) |
ScaleGrid | public | Scales grid array using a linear filter by default. | |
ScaleGrid_2 | public | Scales grid array using defined filtering. | |
SetCSByEPSG | public | Sets up Coordinate System to a coordinate system provided by a EPSG code. (Inherited from ITGIS_Layer) |
SetCSByWKT | public | Sets up Coordinate System to a coordinate system provided by a WKT string (GEOGCS or PROJCS). (Inherited from ITGIS_Layer) |
SetCSByWKTFile | public | Sets up Coordinate System to a coordinate system provided by a file which contains a WKT string (GEOGCS or PROJCS). (Inherited from ITGIS_Layer) |
SetCurrentFileScale | public | Sets internal file scales - (1.0, 1.0) is always possible | |
SetWorld | public | Sets world parameters (equivalent to worldfile). | |
Unlock | public | Unlocks layer from burst-mode operation. (Inherited from ITGIS_Layer) |
UnlockPixels | public | UnLocks a fragment. | |
Unproject | public | Applies reverse projection (recovers from the projection) on the single point. (Inherited from ITGIS_Layer) |
Unproject3D | public | Applies reverse projection (recovers from the projection) on the singlepoint in 3D. (Inherited from ITGIS_Layer) |
Unproject3D_Ref | public | Applies reverse projection (recovers from the projection) on the single point in 3D. (Inherited from ITGIS_Layer) |
UnprojectExtent | public | Applies reverse projection (recovers from the projection) on the extent. (Inherited from ITGIS_Layer) |
Unproject_Ref | public | Applies reverse projection (recover from projection) on the single point. (Inherited from ITGIS_Layer) |
ViewerReParent | public | Sets viewer for the layer and its sublayers. (Inherited from ITGIS_Layer) |
WriteConfig | public | Writes layer configuration files. (Inherited from ITGIS_Layer) |
Name | Visibility | Description | |
Active | public | Checks if the layer is active? Active means layer is visible and an object can be localized on the layer. (Inherited from ITGIS_Layer) |
Addition | public | Additional value. (Inherited from ITGIS_Layer) |
Age | public | Age of the layer (since its creation). (Inherited from ITGIS_Layer) |
AltitudeMapZonesCount | public | Number of altitude map zones. | |
Antialias | public | Antialias scaling (for some layers only like PNG and JPG). | |
AntialiasFilter | public | Scaling filter (like Linear, Lanczos) to be used for scaling images and grids. | |
BandsCount | public | Number of bands in a file. | |
Basemap | public | True if the layer must be interpreted as basemap (for background painting). (Inherited from ITGIS_Layer) |
BasemapDraw | public | If True, the layer at the moment is drawn inside a basemap thread. (Inherited from ITGIS_Layer) |
BitHeight | public | Height of the layer in pixels. | |
BitWidth | public | Width of the layer in pixels. | |
CachedPaint | public | False if layer must be painted directly (bypassing cache). (Inherited from ITGIS_Layer) |
Capabilities | public | Pixel sub-format list that is available for write operation. | |
Caption | public | Caption of layer; if not filed directly then will be filed with Name when adding to the Viewer. (Inherited from ITGIS_Layer) |
CellHeight | public | Height of a cell in pixels. | |
CellWidth | public | Width of a cell in pixels. | |
CodePage | public | Code Page in which text has been stored. (Inherited from ITGIS_Layer) |
Collapsed | public | Checks if the layer is collapsed? Collapsed means only the layer's title will be visible inside the legend. (Inherited from ITGIS_Layer) |
Comments | public | Additional user comments. (Inherited from ITGIS_Layer) |
ConfigFile | public | Configuration file handle. (Inherited from ITGIS_Layer) |
ConfigName | public | Configuration file name. (Inherited from ITGIS_Layer) |
CS | public | Coordinate System that is assigned to the layer. (Inherited from ITGIS_Layer) |
CurrentPage | public | Current page of multipage file. | |
CustomData | public | List of custom, user-defined data. (Inherited from ITGIS_Layer) |
CuttingPolygon | public | Cutting polygon that defines an input image's valid area. | |
DefaultSubFormat | public | Default subformat information. | |
DirectMode | public | True if the layer is direct-mode (bypassing cache). (Inherited from ITGIS_Layer) |
DormantMode | public | Dormant mode for the layer. (Inherited from ITGIS_Layer) |
Driver | public | The layer's driver name. (Inherited from ITGIS_Layer) |
Extent | public | Extent of the layer. (Inherited from ITGIS_Layer) |
Extent3D | public | Three-dimensional extent of the layer. (Inherited from ITGIS_Layer) |
FileCopyrights | public | Copyright information about the layer. (Inherited from ITGIS_Layer) |
FileInfo | public | Additional textual information about the layer such as compression, number of pixels, copyright, etc. (Inherited from ITGIS_Layer) |
ForcedBandsDefinition | public | Forced interpretation of bands in a layer. | |
GridBand | public | Grid band number. | |
HideFromLegend | public | False if the layer should not be visible in legend. (Inherited from ITGIS_Layer) |
InPaint | public | True if the layer upon paint process. (Inherited from ITGIS_Layer) |
Interpretation | public | The way the layer is interpreted: the default is as a grid, or as an image. | |
IsExportable | public | True if the layer is exportable. (Inherited from ITGIS_Layer) |
IsGridImage | public | True if image is a grid. | |
IsLocked | public | True if the layer is in locked state. (Inherited from ITGIS_Layer) |
IsNativeGridImage | public | True if image is a native grid. | |
IsOpened | public | True if the layer is opened and is ready for operations. (Inherited from ITGIS_Layer) |
IsPersistent | public | True if the layer is persistent. (Inherited from ITGIS_Layer) |
IsReadOnly | public | True if the layer is read-only. (Inherited from ITGIS_Layer) |
IsTiled | public | True if layer is tiled. | |
IsTopmost | public | True if the layer can be interpreted as the topmost (trackable) layer. (Inherited from ITGIS_Layer) |
Layer3D | public | Mode of 3D operations (Inherited from ITGIS_Layer) |
MaxHeight | public | Maximum elevation value of the grid. | |
MaxHeightThreshold | public | Maximum threshold of the grid elevation values to display. | |
MaxTileSize | public | Maximum allowed tile size for the layer. (Inherited from ITGIS_Layer) |
MinHeight | public | Minimum elevation value of the grid. | |
MinHeightThreshold | public | Minimum threshold of the grid elevation values to display. | |
MultiUserMode | public | Type of multiuser mode. (Inherited from ITGIS_Layer) |
Name | public | Name of layer; if not filled directly, then will be filled with Path when added to the viewer. (Inherited from ITGIS_Layer) |
NoDataColor | public | Color property to define default color to be used to fill "empty" area upon PixelExportManager. | |
NoDataValue | public | Grid NoData value. | |
PageCount | public | Number of pages in an image file. | |
Params | public | Returns parameters for pixel layer. | |
ParamsList | public | List of all parameter sections attached to the current layer. (Inherited from ITGIS_Layer) |
Params_ | public | Parameters (colors, fills, etc.) object. (Inherited from ITGIS_Layer) |
ParentLayer | public | Parent layer of a sub layer. (Inherited from ITGIS_Layer) |
Path | public | Path to file holding the layer's data. (Inherited from ITGIS_Layer) |
PathTAB | public | Path to a TAB referencing file. | |
PathWithDriver | public | Path to file with the layer's data extended with driver name. (Inherited from ITGIS_Layer) |
Progressive | public | If true (default), then layer can be drawn as progressive. | |
ProjectedExtent | public | Extent of the layer in projected units. (Inherited from ITGIS_Layer) |
Renderer | public | Handle to a renderer used for drawing shapes. (Inherited from ITGIS_Layer) |
Statistics | public | Layer statistics engine (Inherited from ITGIS_Layer) |
Stream | public | Reference to a potential layer underlying the stream. (Inherited from ITGIS_Layer) |
SubFormat | public | Current sub-format information. | |
SubLayers | public | List of sublayers belonging to the layer. (Inherited from ITGIS_Layer) |
SubType | public | Type of sublayer. (Inherited from ITGIS_Layer) |
SupportsAutoStyle | public | Indicates whether the layer supports auto styling. (Inherited from ITGIS_Layer) |
SupportsTiledPaint | public | Indicates whether the layer supports tiled paint. (Inherited from ITGIS_Layer) |
Tag | public | Tag has no predefined meaning. (Inherited from ITGIS_Layer) |
TagInternal | public | TagInternal has no predefined meaning. (Inherited from ITGIS_Layer) |
TagPointer | public | TagPointer has no predefined meaning. (Inherited from ITGIS_Layer) |
TiledDrawMode | public | If True, the layer at the moment is drawn by tiler. (Inherited from ITGIS_Layer) |
Transform | public | Custom transformation. (Inherited from ITGIS_Layer) |
Transparency | public | Transparency value for the layer (0..100). (Inherited from ITGIS_Layer) |
UnSupportedOperations | public | Set of operations not supported by the layer. (Inherited from ITGIS_Layer) |
UseConfig | public | True if config file is active. (Inherited from ITGIS_Layer) |
UserObject | public | UserObject can be used to associate with the layer a user-defined object. (Inherited from ITGIS_Layer) |
Viewer | public | Reference to a viewer object. (Inherited from ITGIS_Layer) |
ZOrder | public | Layer's position relative to other layers. (Inherited from ITGIS_Layer) |
ZOrderEx | public | Layer position relative to other visible layers. (Inherited from ITGIS_Layer) |
For specifying some more advanced pixel layer appearances, such as color mapping, transparent zones, etc., the property Pixel.Params should be used.
For properties, such as: RedMapZones, BlueMapZones, GreenMapZones, it is possible to create a section for different values zones:
lp.Params.Pixel.RedMapZones.Add("1, 100, 0, 127"); lp.Params.Pixel.RedMapZones.Add("200, 100, 127, 255");
The general format is:
Values between the start_value and end_value will be smoothly mapped to values between the start_value_mapped and end_value_mapped. start_value_mapped can be smaller then end_value_mapped to achieve inversion.
Accepted values are integer, like 37
or hexadecimal like $25
FullRGB zones are used to map one color to another.
lp.Params.Pixel.RedMapZones.Add("$EFEFEF, $FFFFFF, $00FF00"); lp.Params.Pixel.RedMapZones.Add("$000000, $0F0F0F, $0000FF");
The general format is:
If a color is between the start_color and end_color, then it will be mapped to a mapped_color.
The operation “between” is done per channel. So, construction between $102030
and $A0B0C0
means that any color with R:$10
, G:$20
and B:$30
will be mapped. This can be used, for example, to match any color that is close to white to another color.
Accepted color values are RGB integer, like 255
, hexadecimal like $0000FF
, R:G:B like 0:0:255
, or using names: AQUA
If the last provided parameter is BGR, like $112233,$AABBCCF,BGR
, then the color will be interpreted as BGR, not RGB.
Gray zones are used to map gray to color:
lp.Params.Pixel.GrayMapZones.Add("0, 127, $0000A0, $0000FF"); lp.Params.Pixel.GrayMapZones.Add("127, 255, $A00000, $FF0000FF");
The general format is:
"start_value, end_value, start_color, end_color"
Values between the start_value and end_value will be smoothly mapped to values between the start_color and endcolor. start_value can be smaller then the end_value to achieve an inversion.
The operation “between” is done per channel. So construction between $102030
and $A0B0C0
means that any color with R:$10
, G:$20
and B:$30
will be mapped.
Accepted color values are RGB integer like 255
, hexadecimal like $0000FF
, R:G:B like 0:0:255
, or names: AQUA
If the last provided parameter is BGR, like $112233, $AABBCCF, BGR
, the color will be interpreted as BGR, not RGB.
Transparency zones are used to define which color should be transparent:
lp.Params.Pixel.TransparentZones.Add("$EFEFEF, $FFFFFF"); lp.Params.Pixel.TransparentZones.Add("$000000, $0F0F0F");
The general format is:
"start_color, end_color"
If color is between the start_color and end_color, it will be mapped as transparent.
This operation “between” is done per channel. So construction between $102030
and $A0B0C0
means that any color with R:$10
, G:$20
and B:$30
will be mapped. This can be used, for example, to match any color that is close to white to transparent.
Accepted color values are RGB integer like 255
, hexadecimal like $0000FF
, R:G:B like 0:0:255
, or names: AQUA
If the last provided parameter is BGR, like $112233, $AABBCCF, BGR
, then the color will be interpreted as BGR, not RGB.
Altitude zones are used to apply grid layer coloring:
lp.Params.Pixel.AltitudeMapZones.Add("100.45, 800.12, $FF0000"); lp.Params.Pixel.AltitudeMapZones.Add("800.12, 900.45, $FFFF00");
The general format is:
"start_value, end_value, color"
Accepted grid values are float values with dot decimal point, like “123.45”.
Accepted color values are RGB integer like 255
, hexadecimal like $0000FF
, R:G:B like 0:0:255
, or names: AQUA
If the last provided parameter is BGR, like $112233, $AABBCCF, BGR
then the color will be interpreted as BGR, not RGB.
All properties of Params.Pixel are available as: TGIS_ParamsPixel class.
Available metadata keys:
Metadata | Values | Default | Description |
TGIS_LayerPixel.MemoryLayerLimit | value in MB | 100 | Create layers, which size exceeds the value, are backed by a temporary file. |