DK11 for ActiveX | TatukGIS_XDK11.ITGIS_CSEllipsoid | Methods | Properties
Name | Visibility | Description | |
Deprecated | public | If true, then object is deprecated. (Inherited from ITGIS_CSAbstract) |
DescriptionEx | public | Descriptive name; for internal use of TGIS_CSAbstractListHelper. (Inherited from ITGIS_CSAbstract) |
Description_ | public | Additional description. (Inherited from ITGIS_CSAbstract) |
EcntrMajor | public | Eccentricity squared. | |
EcntrMajorSqrt | public | Eccentricity sqrt. | |
EcntrMinor | public | Second eccentricity squared. | |
EcntrMinorSqrt | public | Eccentricity sqrt. | |
EPSG | public | EPSG code. (Inherited from ITGIS_CSAbstract) |
Flattering | public | Flattering. | |
FriendlyName | public | Friendly name constructed based on WKT (without underscores) and EPSG. (Inherited from ITGIS_CSAbstract) |
InverseFlattering | public | Inverse Flattering. | |
MasterEPSG | public | EPSG code of the object for which current object is an alias. (Inherited from ITGIS_CSAbstract) |
SemiMajor | public | Semimajor axis. | |
SemiMajorSq | public | Square of semimajor axis. | |
SemiMinor | public | Semiminor axis. | |
SemiMinorSq | public | Square of semiminor axis. | |
WKT | public | WKT name. (Inherited from ITGIS_CSAbstract) |