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ITGIS_Config interface

DK11 for ActiveX | TatukGIS_XDK11.ITGIS_Config | Interfaces | Methods | Properties

Encapsulation of layer configuration file.

Available also on: Delphi | .NET | Java | ActiveX | Python.


// C#
public interface ITGIS_Config: ITGIS_ConfigAbstract
' VisualBasic
Public Interface ITGIS_Config
  Implements ITGIS_ConfigAbstract
End Class
// Oxygene
  ITGIS_Config = public interface( ITGIS_ConfigAbstract )



Inherited Overrides Protected
Name Visibility Description
AbsolutePath public Computes absolute path for path relative to configuration file.
AddSubLayer public Add sublayer to config file.
AttachDelphiObj public Only for internal use of TatukGIS.
(Inherited from ITBaseObject)
BuildProject public Build project file based on current project and list of layers attached to the Viewer.
ClearActiveSection public Delete elements related to the current section.
ClearGroups public Delete group sections related to the selected group.
ClearSave public Clear MustSave flag.
ClearSections public Delete sections related to the selected layer.
ClearSubSections public Delete subsections related to the selected layer.
Create_ public Create instance.
DelphiObj public Only for internal use of TatukGIS.
(Inherited from ITBaseObject)
GetStrings public Parse and fill list with values.
Lock public Lock configuration file.
Read3DLayerType public Read parameters given by _name.
ReadAlignment public Read parameters given by _name.
ReadBasement public Read parameters given by _name.
ReadBitmap public Read parameters given by _name.
ReadBoolean public Read parameters given by _name.
ReadChart public Read parameters given by _name.
ReadColor public Read parameters given by _name.
ReadColorInterpolationMode public Read parameters given by _name.
ReadColorRamp public Read color ramp parameter given by _name.
ReadCustomData public Read custom configuration parameters.
ReadDormant public Read parameters given by _name.
ReadFloat public Read parameters given by _name.
ReadFontStyle public Read parameters given by _name.
ReadGround public Read parameters given by _name.
ReadHierarchyGroups public Read hierarchy groups to config.
ReadInteger public Read parameters given by _name.
ReadInterpretation public Read parameters given by _name.
ReadMarker public Read parameters given by _name.
ReadNormalized public Read parameters given by _name.
ReadOffsetPosition public Read parameters given by _name.
ReadPattern public Read parameters given by _name.
ReadPen public Read parameters given by _name.
ReadPosition public Read parameters given by _name.
ReadSectionValues public Read section values into a list.
ReadString public Read parameters given by _name.
ReadSymbol public Read parameters given by _name.
ReadZone public Read parameters given by zone _name.
RelativePath public Computes path relative to configuration file.
Reread public Reread configuration file.
Save public Save backup copy of configuration file.
SetGroup public Select layer on which the operation will be performed.
SetGroupSection public Select the group section on which the operation will be performed.
SetLayer public Select layer on which the operation will be performed.
SetSection public Select the section on which the operation will be performed.
SetStrings public Read and parse values from list.
SetSubLayer public Select sublayer on which the operation will be performed.
SetSubSection public Select the subsection on which the operation will be performed.
Unlock public Unlock configuration file.
Write3DLayerType public Write parameters given by _name.
WriteAlignment public Write parameters given by _name.
WriteBasement public Write parameters given by _name.
WriteBitmap public Write parameters given by _name.
WriteBoolean public Write parameters given by _name.
WriteChart public Write parameters given by _name.
WriteColor public Write parameters given by _name.
WriteColorInterpolationMode public Write parameters given by _name.
WriteColorRamp public Write color ramp parameter given by _name.
WriteCustomData public Write custom configuration parameters.
WriteDormant public Write parameters given by _name.
WriteFloat public Write parameters given by _name.
WriteFontStyle public Write parameters given by _name.
WriteGround public Write parameters given by _name.
WriteHierarchyGroups public Write hierarchy groups to config.
WriteInteger public Write parameters given by _name.
WriteInterpretation public Write parameters given by _name.
WriteMarker public Write parameters given by _name.
WriteNormalized public Write parameters given by _name.
WriteOffsetPosition public Write parameters given by _name.
WritePattern public Write parameters given by _name.
WritePen public Write parameters given by _name.
WritePosition public Write parameters given by _name.
WriteString public Write parameters given by _name.
WriteStyle public Write parameters given by _name.
WriteSymbol public Write parameters given by _name.
WriteZone public Write parameters given by zone _name.


Inherited Protected
Name Visibility Description
ConfigFormat public Internal format of config.
FileName public Name of configuration file.
IsProject public True if config file is a project.
IsShapeStyle public True if config is for shape style embedding.
MustSave public True if config file was changed.
PrjLayerConfig public Config file name (without extension) at a given index in a project file.
PrjLayerName public Name of layer at a given index in a project file.
PrjLayerPath public Path of layer at a given index in a project file.
PrjLayersCount public Returns the number of layers defined in project config file.
Section public By assigning this value you are overriding default TGIS_Config behavior.
UseRelativePath public If True (default) all paths will be save as relative to a config file localization.
Version public Config version number
WriteFull public If True (default) then all config keys will be saved, otherwise only changed.

2024/12/20 22:15

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