DK Documentation
TatukGIS Developer Kernel Documentation
Version | 98.0.36824-Unstable1 | February, 8 2025 |
This is a work-in-progress website.
New content is being added continuously.
Learn more at:
API Overview
Basic concepts about the TatukGIS
API. HelloDK sample. References to common topics.
API Documentation
API documentation. Generated from the source code comments & additional description files using the TatukGIS internal
GenDoc tool. Documentation is provided in the syntax (which is automatically generated by GenDoc) of commonly used programming languages like Object Pascal, C++, C#, Visual Basic, and Java.
Other Specifications
DK features (beyond the methods and classes documentation) like file format descriptions, label formatting syntax, spatial operations, etc.
Copyrights & Licenses
List of copyrights, licenses, and acknowledgments for computer technologies used by the DK.
What's New
What's new & coming NEW
Detailed description of selected features or improvements released and under development.
Translation editor
Contribute new translations, fix existing one. Available to all customers with a valid support plan. Use the same login as for downloads. See also
help file.
Log of released versions, bug fixes, improvements and new features.
How-to articles
Samples Description
Complete list of samples with detailed information of the used
API functions, etc.